LINKING. Exercise 53 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 LINKING In connected speech words are not separated from each other. To achieve this, the following rules should be observed:
1. A word ending in a consonant blends with the initial vowel of the next word, no glottal stop should be heard.
e. g. as a rule
2. The letter ‘r’ is sounded at the end of a word if the next word begins with a vowel sound. But there is no linking [r] between two words separated by a pause.
e. g. nearer and nearer He paused there, and then spoke again. 3. Between the word final [i] and the initial vowel of the next word an extra [j] sound can be heard to link them.
e. g. the apple [ ð ijæ pl]
4. Between the final [u] and the initial vowel of the next word an extra [w] sound can be heard to link them.
e. g. go and do that [gә uwә ndu: ð æ t]
Mark the links in the following phrases and sentences: a. free entrance b. blue eyes c. no understanding d. The awful aunty is here in a new outfit. e. The doctor advised me to eat only apples. f. The author is an ugly individual who earns a lot. g. A new Austin is too expensive for us to afford. h. He and Hugh Appleby are thirty-eight years old.
Exercise 53
Look at this famous book, play and film names and mark the links. Repeat the names with the tape.
War and Peace Out of Africa Death on the Nile Alice in Wonderland The Wizard of Oz Close Encounters of the Third Kind A Clockwork Orange Laurence of Arabia Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Kiss of the Spiderwoman Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Venus and Adonis First among Equals Death of a Salesman.