MEDICAL Academy of CFU. NAMED AFTER S.I. GEORGIEVSKY . Obstetrics, Gynecology & Perinatology Department No. 1. Obstetrical examination. INQUIRY (interrogation). ANAMNESIS MORBI. ANAMNESIS VITAEMEDICAL Academy of CFU NAMED AFTER S. I. GEORGIEVSKY Obstetrics, Gynecology & Perinatology Department No. 1
The Head of the Department: Docent Rumyanzeva Zoya Sergeevna Teacher: Docent Kamilova Irina Kaharovna
Obstetrical examination Assay Patient Name: Suman dixit Patient sAge: 21 years Patient s Profession: Doctor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinical Diagnosis: C-Section type of delivery due to small pelvis measurement of the mother. Main: Pregnancy: 40th week G1 P0 A0 Longitudinal lie of the fetus Presentation part is cephalic, position: fetal back correspond to right abdominal wall of mother. Complications: endometritis Accompanying disease: None
Name of student: Priya Mishra Group: LA1 173(2) PASSPORT DATA Patient Name: Suman dixit
Sex: Female
Age (year of birth): 21 years (september 25th 1999) Weight: 70kg
Nationality: Indian
Marital Status: Married
Address: 317, buddha puram colony, lucknow
Date of admission in hospital: November 13rd 2020
INQUIRY (interrogation) MAIN COMPLAINTS: Complaints are Bursting of the forewater causing a constant leakage of small amount of pale yellow watery fluid from the vagina, patient feels nausea and having an experience of cramps in the thighs and legs. Also experiencing pain in the abdomen and groin region. ANAMNESIS MORBI Patient does not have any signs or symptoms of disease at the time of admission. Just complaints of pain in the lower extremities and in the lower abdomen. ANAMNESIS VITAE Patient doesn t smoke or doesn t drink alcohol and doesn t take drugs. There is no hereditary diseases.