Did you spot these? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
Did you spot these? 1. A teddy bear is playing hopscotch. 2. A dog has got a rocket (firework) attached to its tail. That is making the dog run fast! 3. The swing is attached with only one chain. 4. The baby is in a rubbish bin, instead of a baby buggy. 5. There is a pair of legs and flippers sticking out of the sand pit. 6. The large boy on the see-saw is going up. He would be weighing the other boy down. 7. A boy is eating a plate. 8. The girl who is playing on the bars has very long arms. Her arms are too long. They are stretching. 9. The slide is like a staircase when it should be smooth. 10. A man is painting the bush purple. 11. The girl who is skipping is jumping too high. She is on top of the skipping rope. 12. The sand pit is liquid. 13. A boy is pulling a toy train but the rope is wrapped round the seesaw. 14. A doll is waiting for her turn at hopscotch.
https: //www. pinterest. co. uk/pin/599893612874712768/