1. Remake sentences from active into passive. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 1. Remake sentences from active into passive. Dominic Wilcox created a unique stylus for touchscreen devices. ___________________________________________________ Fan blows on your food while you eat. ___________________________________________________
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Girls can use these shoes for learning to walk on high-heels. _____________________________________________ Your child can wash your floor without your help. _________________________________________________ The Los Angeles Brush Corp developed a brush that cleans a child's neck at a mother's suggestion. ____________________________________________________
2. Correct the mistakes in sentences. 1. A man who created a washing machine for cats and dogs has nominated for the Noble prize. 2. All such devices are created people with some craziness. 3. Baby mop sold very successfully last year. 4. It is counted scientists that around 100 inventions made each day. 5. Some of these inventions been bought by big companies.