Vocabulary ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
1. My meals My mother cooks for our family. She cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast I often have a sandwich with cheese, sausage, butter and a cup of tea, or coffee. Sometimes I eat porridge or cornflakes with milk. I like to drink apple or orange juice. For lunch I usually eat soup as the first course. It can be cabbage shchee, solyanka, pea soup or fish soup for a change. As the main course I like to have chicken, cutlets or meatballs with potatoes or noodles. I like a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. Fruit and vegetables are very important for our organism, because they contain vitamins and minerals. They are good for health. In my menu there are different vegetables: cabbage, green peas, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers….. From fruit I like apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, kivis…… Dinner must not be big, not to overeat, so it’s good to have some vegetable salads, and dairy(milk) products. I prefer yoghurt. While at college I usually have a snack in the cafeteria or in the student canteen. I can take some …….. and……. there. Questions: 1. Who cooks for your family? 2. What do you have for breakfast? 3. Do you like to drink juice? 4. What do you have as a first course for lunch? 5. What soup do you prefer? 6. What do you like to have as a main course for lunch? 7. Do you like fruit and vegetables? Why? 8. What vegetables and fruit are there in your menu? 9. Why mustn’t dinner be big? 10. What dairy products do you prefer? 11. Where can you have a snack while at college? 12. What can you take in the cafeteria? Vocabulary meal[mı: l]–прием пищи, еда cabbage[kᴂ bı ʤ ]– капуста have breakfast– завтракать carrots[‘kᴂ rǝ ts]– морковь have lunch– обедать peas[pı: z]– горошек have dinner– ужинать prefer[prı fǝ: ]– предпочитать have for breakfast/lunch/dinner- кушать на обед… grapes[greı ps]– виноград the first course– первое блюдо overeat[ǝ uvǝ ’rı: t]– переедать the main course– второе блюдо cutlets[‘kʌ tlǝ ts]– котлеты noodles[nu: dlz]– макароны yoghurt[‘jᴐ gǝ: t]– йогурт meatballs– тефтели, биточки have a snack– перекусить for a change– для разнообразия cafeteria[kᴂ fı ’tı ǝ ı ǝ ]– буфет potatoes– картофель canteen[kǝ n’tı: n]– столовая contain[. едаkǝ n’teı n]– содержать dairy products[‘dԑ ǝ rı ‘prᴐ dʌ kt] health[helƟ ]– здоровье vegetables[‘veʤ ı tǝ blz]– овощи cucumbers[[‘kju: kǝ mbzǝ z]– огурцы