Seeking Knowledge in a world with tight schedules, moving apaceSeeking Knowledge in a world with tight schedules, moving apace In the world today, we understand that people may have tight schedules and these schedules may restrain them from learning Quran as they desire. But then the world has evolved with tight schedules, with the internet and smart phones, it has become easier to learn Quran even with our tight schedules. With our services offered on TarteeleQurn, you can learn the rules of recitation and memorization of the Quran online, anywhere and anytime. Our services are currently available in Australia, Canada, United States of America and United Kingdom. The Courses we offer Our program consists of 5 different courses and these are: · Basic Tajweed · Quran with Tajweed · Quran Memorization (Hifz classes) · Online Ijazah Course · Ten Qirat Online Basic Tajweed With the Noorani Qaida written by Molvi Noor Muhammad Ludhyanvi, we teach beginners and children how to recite the Quran with some Tajweed without them having to know the rules of Tajweed. In this course, students are taught the Arabic Alphabets and basic pronunciation like Maddah, Shaddah, Sukun, Harakat, Fawaatih and Tanween (nasalization). Quran with Tajweed The Almighty emphasizes the need to recite the Quran perfectly (with all the rules) in Suratul Muzzamil verse 4 where he says: “... wa ratilil-qur’ana tartiila” “…and recite the Quran distinctly”. After the basic tajweed course, you proceed to the Quran with Tajweed course where you learn Quran online with tajweed. In this course, we teach the importance of tajweed and the rules of tajweed in details. We go into the details of the sakinah, maddah; the rules of Raa, stooping, pausing, silence and the points of articulation.