What could a cause of such a decision be? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 3. It seems to me the cause the speaker mentioned Mr. Obama was the following: it’s connected with the country where present President was born. That country was not US and it means the person who was born there will not be able to be the President of US. What could a cause of such a decision be? 1. Without any doubt the cause of such decision was the order of Communist Party of China! Poor guys must spend one more week photographing the secret objects. That’s why they decided to stay for a week more! 2. To say honestly I have no idea which type of cockroaches in the heads of this people and why they decided to sit one more week on the fence. Рассказы просто фееричны! Кайфую! Можно и поискать мелкие пятнышки на солнце, типа “Iron” Arnie IS