VOCATIONAL TRAININGСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Выполнила: ст. Под/б-19-1з Береговая Л. А. Проверила: ст. преп. Михайлова А. Г.
Севастополь, 2021 Вариант 3 VOCATIONAL TRAINING Vocational training can be described as a training that emphasizes knowledge and skills needed for a specific trade, craft or job function. Earlier, this training was confined to certain trades like welding, automotive services and carpentry but the horizon of vocational training has expanded with the evolution of time. Vocational training in Russia is an important part of education in our country. The purpose of this training is to produce skilled workers in various sectors ranging from education, engineering, medicine etc. Vocational education is the initial stage of professional education. It is aimed at the training of workers, usually on the basis of basic general education. Vocational training for certain occupations may be based on secondary (complete) general education. Admission to vocational education institutions normally does not need any entrance examinations. Two kinds of vocational education can be distinguished: The first kind of vocational education is offered by vocational education institutions called Professional Schools. In these institutions, educational programmes are aimed at the acquisition of professional qualifications and mainly cover subjects for professional training. The second kind of vocational education is offered by vocational education institutions called Professional Lycei. In these institutions, educational programmes, in addition to the professional education component, also include a general education component (educational programme of the tenth and eleventh grades). 1. ЗАДАНИЯ К ТЕКСТУ Задание 1. 1 Дополните предложения: 1. Vocational training can be described as a training that emphasizes knowledge and skills needed for a specific trade, craft or job function. 2. The purpose of this training is to produce skilled workers in various sectors ranging from education, engineering, medicine etc. 3. The first kind of vocational education is offered by vocational education institutions called Professional Lycei. 4. The second kind of vocational education is offered by vocational education institutions called Professional Lycei.. Задание 1. 2 Исправьте неверные утверждения: 1. Higher education is compulsory in Russia. 2. A course at institutes or universities usually takes 10 years. (Courses at institutes or universities take approximately 4 months). 3. There are no private schools in Russia. (There are private schools in Russia. ) 4 At colleges students give lectures to professors. (In colleges, lectures are given by professors. ). Задание 1. 3 Найдите английские эквиваленты русским словосочетаниям: профессиональное образование (education, culture), делать акцент (to protrude, to sharpen, to bring to the fore, to pedal, to accentuate, to emphasize, to highlight, to shade, to rest), знания и умения (knowledge-understanding-understanding-experience-skill-art-erudition-baggage), расширить горизонт (open a new one), квалифицированные рабочие (experienced staff, experienced employees), основное общее образование (universal education), вступительные экзамены (final exams, state exams), приобретение профессиональной квалификации(professional training, professional skill). Задание 1. 4. Найдите ответы на вопросы. 1. How can you describe vocational training? (Vocational training can be described as a training that emphasizes knowledge and skills needed for a specific trade, craft or job function. ) 2. What is the purpose of vocational training in Russia? (The purpose of this training is to produce skilled workers in various sectors ranging from education, engineering, medicine etc. ) 3. What are the two kinds of vocational education? (Two kinds of vocational education can be distinguished: The first kind of vocational education is offered by vocational education institutions called Professional Schools. The second kind of vocational education is offered by vocational education institutions called Professional Lycei. ) 4. What are educational programmes aimed at in these two kinds of vocational education? (The first kind of vocational education is offered by vocational education institutions called Professional Schools. In these institutions, educational programmes are aimed at the acquisition of professional qualifications and mainly cover subjects for professional training. The second kind of vocational education is offered by vocational education institutions called Professional Lycei. In these institutions, educational programmes, in addition to the professional education component, also include a general education component (educational programme of the tenth and eleventh grades). Задание 1. 5 Переведите на английский язык. 1. Профессиональное образования можно охарактеризовать как подготовку, которая подчеркивает знания и навыки, необходимые для конкретной профессии, ремесла или работы. (Vocational education can be described as training that emphasizes the knowledge and skills needed for a particular profession, craft, or job. ). 2. При поступлении в профессиональные учебные заведения, как правило, вступительные экзамены не требуются. (When entering professional educational institutions, as a rule, entrance exams are not required). 3. Она направлена на подготовку рабочих, как правило, на основе основного общего образования. (It is aimed at training workers, usually on the basis of basic general education. ). 4. Образовательные программы направлены на приобретение профессиональной квалификации и в основном охватывают предметы профессиональной подготовки. (Educational programs are aimed at acquiring professional qualifications and mainly cover vocational training subjects). Задание 1. 6 Поставьте вопросы к предложению: а) к подлежащему, b) общий, c) специальный, d) разделительный, к предложению Vocational training in Russia is an important part of education in our country. What is an important part of education in our country? Is vocational training in Russia an important part of education in our country? Why is vocational training in Russia an important part of education in our country? Vocational training in Russia is an important part of education in our country, isn't it? Is vocational training in Russia or in Canada an important part of education in the country?