Translate the words in Russian and read the phrases. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Translate the words in Russian and read the phrases.
1 Unprepared traveller can easily (обидеть) local people by breaking common rules of (поведения). 2 A short, (крепкое рукопожатие) as a form of greeting is typical in the USA, but it is different in the (Среднем Востоке). 3 If you are going to work with (китайскими компаниями) it is (необходимо вовлечь) China government to the process of decision making. 4 (Страны-соседи) are sometimes very sensitive to the fact that foreigners (путают) them. 5 Each nation has it’s own (обычаи и традиции) which have been formed for many (столетий) and can’t be changed in a moment. 6 Not all (проблемы в общении) can be easily understood and overcome, but (знание) of their existence is very important. The imperative
“Never cross the moors in those dark hours when the powers of evil are exalted” J “Respect existence of expect resistance”