Identity and Democracy Group
Identity and Democracy ( ID ) is a right-wing to far-right political group of the European Parliament launched on 13 June 2019. It is composed of nationalist, right-wing populist and eurosceptic parties from ten European states (with the majority coming from Italy’s Lega party, the Rassemblement National in France and Germany’s AfD) and is the successor to the Europe of Nations and Freedom group. The ID group's focus is creating jobs and growth, increasing security, tackling illegal immigration, as well as making the EU less bureaucratic.
Position: The main objective is to take one more step towards the centralized European state thanks to the continental mutualisation of the debt. The economic supports could well have been organized by each country, with the advantage of deciding how to use this money instead of having their financial choices dictated by the Commission. We are being told today that this colossal debt, admittedly contracted by the Commission but which is owed by the nations, would be reimbursed thanks to the famous own resources, first step towards a European tax ardently desired by some. A carbon tax, a GAFAM tax, a plastic tax, the introduction of which remains very hypothetical and the financial products completely unknown. In practice, as always, it is the 9 countries which are net contributors to the European budget that will have to bear the weight of this new debt tomorrow. Thus, for example, France will have 40 billion euros out of 750 and will see its contribution to the budget increase for the next 6 years. The health crisis must not become the new pretext for continuing to build the European Union not only without the peoples, but against their fundamental interests.