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Grammar marathon

Conditionals If you _____ (press) this yellow button, the printer _____ (start) working.
Conditionals Where __________ (you, go) if you _______ (give) a day-off today?
Conditionals I'm sick. If I _____ (feel) worse, please, you _________ (need, let) me go earlier.
Conditionals Tim was wrong. If he _________ (apologize) he _________ (have) one friend more.
Conditionals May working day depends on my night. If I ________ (sleep) well my working power ______ (increase) to a very high level.
Conditionals Who __________ (he, choose) into his team if he ________ (ask) to?
Conditionals We were late to our plane that morning. If we ________ (take) a taxi and not a public transport we ______________ (not have) so awful problems.
Conditionals If we ________ (order) a better chief cook yesterday we ________ (enjoy) our food much better now.
Conditionals If any boss ________ (make) his employees stay overtime too often, they ________ (hate) him one day for sure.
Conditionals What diploma _________ (you, get) if you ________ (take) this extra course now?


Passive Voice Mary has never taken any photos abroad till this day.
Passive Voice Bill was watching Disney cartoons when his friends came to celebrate him.
Passive Voice Our family visits the swimming pool once a week, mostly on Saturdays.
Passive Voice Who invented the liquid crystal display?
Passive Voice Anthony will have finished his set of tasks by noon tomorrow.
Passive Voice This time next week they will be playing a fine board game with their teacher.
Passive Voice Who was instructing Jane yesterday when I came to the office?
Passive Voice Brian will get the award for his volume of poems.
Passive Voice We should pay more attention to this spelling rule.
Passive Voice What can I do to fulfill this work twice faster?



Reduced Infinitive Did he call you yesterday? ________________ (not remember)
Reduced Infinitive Will he agree to come with us? ________________ (not to be sure)
Reduced Infinitive Could you be so kind to buy a birthday cake for Sasha? ________________ (love)
Reduced Infinitive Have you ever been told about your perfect cooking skills? ________________ (flatter)
Reduced Infinitive Have you called for a plumber yet? No, but ______________ (intend)
Reduced Infinitive Was he taken to a new family that year? ___________________ (not hear)
Reduced Infinitive Will Santa bring me a present if I behave? ___________________ (hope)
Reduced Infinitive Why don't you come to the meeting tomorrow? ___________________ (not need me)
Reduced Infinitive Was he invited to our housewarming party? ___________________ (believe)
Reduced Infinitive Will your wife be given that promotion soon? She _________________ (she, expect)
Modal verbs You _________ call your sister and apologize for your words.
Modal verbs Brandon _________ to wake up early today, it is his day-off.
Modal verbs Stephen, you __________ have bought so expensive flowers for me.
Modal verbs It __________ be John, I recognize his new car he talked about.
Modal verbs I'm sorry but you _________ smoke here as it's a public place.
Modal verbs ___________ you be so kind to help me with my bags, please?
Modal verbs Do I __________ be there tomorrow? – You must.
Modal verbs Will he ________ dance like a professional after five months of constant practice?
Modal verbs I'm sorry, but it ________ be Mark. He is in Greece now.
Modal verbs What _________ we do next to assemble this construction?



Prepositions Peter needs to be there _____ noon _____ Monday morning, _____ May, 2014.
Prepositions You have no right to look ____ on me because of your scientific degree.
Prepositions Where is our teacher? Well, he was called _____ to teach _____ another place somewhere deep ______ Finland.
Prepositions I'm _____ this company _____ about 5 years, I look ______ the new product launch.
Prepositions My mood doesn't depend _____ the music I listen _____.
Prepositions I've decided to look _____ on you _____ my way back home.
Prepositions Could be so kind to look these tests ________?
Prepositions The bridge ________ the river Silverspoon is __________ order __________ the unexpected flood.
Prepositions Who's ______ the door, dear? It's my friend Tim, he brought _______ the book I gave him last month.
Prepositions The only advice to you is not to fall ______ love _____ every single beautiful girl that passes you ______.


Tense usage She is very pale. I think, Tom _____________ (tell) her the bad news.
Tense usage Where are you? We _____________ (wait) for you for 40 minutes already.
Tense usage This time next month they ____________ (rest) on some exotic island.
Tense usage Who ________ (see) you yesterday when you __________ (come) home?
Tense usage George ________ (come) back by the morning flight tomorrow.
Tense usage Yesterday at 5 he ____________ (wait) for her for 2 hours and continued waiting as she was still somewhere.
Tense usage He wouldn't have failed his driving test if he ___________ (try) at least a bit harder.
Tense usage First he ________ (buy) flowers and only then _______ (cook) the dinner as she always woke up early.
Tense usage Tomorrow at noon I _____________ (write) my book for 2 years, but I don't think I'll finish it soon.
Tense usage Tomorrow when I ________ (preparing) for the test my brother ________ (play) his brand new Playstation 4.



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