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With the change in the political system, with new trends in life of the country the functional role of the mass media also changes. Being a social institution of a society that is going through a period of transformation at the present stage of its development, journalism not only records these processes, but also itself undergoes certain changes. The same way, after the demise of the USSR, newly formed independent republic of Kazakhstan experienced many challenges and changes in its information market. The emergence of new players on the market – private, non-state publications, foreign press, oppositional press, glossy magazines, branching of industry and corporate periodicals, the emergence of an absolutely new segment of the business and business press ⎼ all these and other typological changes created a new media system inherent in the XXI century. With the popularization of the Internet, the development of the blogosphere, information, news portals, the opening of electronic versions of publications, and at the same time the expansion of the country's information field, the functions of the media also changed. Mass media became perceived as an “enhancement” of responsibilities and tasks being carried out by journalism in the centuries before. In his works related to journalism, E. P. Prokhorov differentiates several key functions of journalism [2, с. 57-87]: communicational, organizational, ideological, cultural and educational, advertising, recreational. The communicational function is the first and foremost factor of journalism. It can be easily traced on Internet, in the blogosphere, where each post is commented, “liked” and does not remain without feedback from the reader. Further, the feedback can be clearly seen on the websites of publications, under articles, in the form of comments. When it comes to organizational function, the role of journalism is placed as “the fourth power” in the society. This includes the opposition press, which has recently been subjected to harsh extermination in the country, and, nevertheless, evokes a great response among the population and a high percentage of trust. Newspapers such “Svoboda slova”, “Respublika”, “Alash” fall into this category. Ideologically, it strives to have a deep influence on the basic foundations of people’s mindset and value orientations, on the self-consciousness of people, their ideals and aspirations, including the motivation of behavioral acts [2]. Even though this function has declined due to the demise of the USSR, it has been revived from the patriotic press of “Nur Otan”. Cultural and educational function, which is being one of the institutions of the culture of society, participates in the promotion and dissemination of high cultural values in the life of society, to educate people on the models of global culture, thereby contributing to the comprehensive development of a person. To this category of mass media, we can include global presses such as BBC, Guardian, the. Economist, The New York Times and etc. In Kazakhstan, there have been several periodicals and journals as “Anyz Adam”, “Kazakh adebieti”, “Aiqyn” and etc. Nowadays, there is a manifestation of low cultural standards due to market profitability in the media materials of such TV programs as Comedy Club, KVN. All of them are entertaining, in demand, which is why they shift cultural landmarks. This fact manifests itself in abundance and in the language of the media. Especially, it is noteworthy to highlight the influence of social networks over people in Kazakhstan. It will not be exaggerated to assert that Instagram, Tik Tok, Vkontakte, Facebook, Clubhouse upholds the major part of people’s life. This being said, it should also be noted that these platforms became in use for most of the entrepreneurs and people in business to promote awareness and increase sales by integrating in it different marketing tools. Thereby, social networking platforms carries an advertising function. [] Recreational or “entertainment” function is one of the most urgent and increasingly developing functions today. The first to fall under it are television, the Internet, a large number of talk shows, both in Russian and. Kazakh. But the press also does not stand aside - “tabloid” publications, gloss, magazines about stars, horoscope are presented on the Kazakhstan market in the form of a large segment of the Russian press. It is worth noting that the predominance of the recreational function in journalism negatively affects the popularity, or rather, the low demand for libraries, theaters, museums, all these are being replaced by entertainment shows, serials, and social networks today. Information and commercial printing, which today occupies a large segment in the media market, covers all audience groups of readers [4]. High-quality press covers issues of entrepreneurship, economics, business, the state of stock markets, this includes the magazines Forbes Kazakhstan, Delovaya nedelya, etc. [transformatsiya funktsii] The modern world is changing rapidly. Scientific and technical inventions of mankind are constantly being improved and introduced to all spheres of life. Likewise the phenomenon of progress could not bypass the media. The proof of this is the emergence and development of electronic media [1]. Electronic media include television, radio and the Internet. The newspaper belongs to the print media. However, there is the term " electronic newspaper" which became widespread in the 1990s. Then the electronic newspaper actually began to consider the texts reproduced on the screen with relatively operational information [2]. The work of network (electronic) mass media is regulated by the rules established for radio and television programs as distributing mass information through “other telecommunication networks” [3]. In recent years, journalism has moved to electronic broadcasting at a rapid pace, while continuing to coexist with traditional ways of presenting information. It becomes important to analyze online journalism as the newest form of media in terms of demand from the audience in comparison with the traditional one, to outline its successes and shortcomings [4]. [analyz razvitiya] https: //elibrary. ru/item. asp? id=42505861 Despite the form in which journalism has been disseminated, its goals for the people have not changed. In other words, digital journalism should contribute to the development of the country and make predictions about any sphere of public life with vigilance, prudence and seriousness. We know that despite the balance of benefits and harms of digital technology, the inalienable value of humanity. Now, it is impossible to get rid of it. Only digital technology, and the resulting media, is trying to adapt the new media to our thinking. As a result of the rapid development of information technology in the new millennium, digital technology has become a global phenomenon, a widespread and instructive phenomenon, it has become a common value that defines the whole of our time. Digital technology permeates all spheres of public life: life and the economy, society, culture and the arts, and even the daily life of mankind are closely intertwined with digital technology. In particular, it has a great impact on the development of the media. Digital technology has unleashed the flow of information, shaped and expanded the global information space, and created a new branch of journalism - new media. This process did not bypass the information space of Kazakhstan. Despite the fact that the image of the country is not properly formed, the domestic media has undergone significant changes in recent years due to the positive and negative effects of digital technology [1]. One of the founding characteristics of a new information society is its digital nature. In the process of building a new information society, the methods and techniques of dissemination and exchange of information will be gradually updated, time will be saved, national borders and barriers will be dissolved, the economy will be disrupted, the world and the process in it will be completely changed. The structure of industries will change radically, intensive homogenization of people's views and human values, the universality of culture and cultural models will be observed, dynamism and competition between states will be accelerated. At the stage of modern world development, the global information Internet is the largest and most widespread segment of the global information space. Digital technology is changing rapidly. With the Internet. Due to the optimization of the work, the current changes are in who or what uses the site [2]. The future of the media - in the new media. In fact, it is the new media that has raised the profile of the traditional media. Our old newspapers have moved to a new format and expanded their distribution and audience with the help of digital technology. Multimedia content has appeared. Most importantly, periodicals have accelerated the delivery of information to their readers through their websites. [Цифровая информация] Journalism in democratic states of the West is reflected with the controlling manner of national governments that are mainly directed to ensure public integrity and economic stability. While, substantially, journalism is about keeping, disseminating, checking, gathering, analyzing, editing and publishing the information [1]. It is anticipated to function as an accountable source of information that does not align with the ideas and desires of any groups or bodies, e. i. non-party [2]. When it comes to the journalism of Kazakhstan, it does not quite correlate with the Western way of thinking. It is rather described by the historical tradition of serving as a tool of country’s interest. Initially, media space of Kazakhstan has been strongly supported and established by the government to function as a tool of controlling the society [4]. Likewise, it is also correct to mention that the well-known writers were also journalists that addressed major issues in the society and the country aiming at the state development and well-being. The journalism school of Kazakhstan is believed to have begun in 1920s. That time the journalism acted as the major tool of Soviet political ideology propaganda, being a part of " the intellectual class" they had been always strongly connected with the Soviet public, using their perfect moral values and obligations of a journalist to develop the Soviet society [9]. [ https: //www. globalmediajournal. com/open-access/the-role-of-social-media-in-kazakhstani-journalism-new-traditions-and-challenges. php? aid=85892 ] The development of journalism of Kazakhstan has been progressing since the proclamation of the country's sovereignty. Since then, the number of media outlets has dramatically increased in just one year. To be precise, there has been already 735 new newspapers and magazines published and operating in 199 [3, p. 90]. First commercial TV channels TAN and KTK has been launched in Almaty in 1991 along with Kazakh radio broadcasting that was carried out on four channels, with the total broadcasting volume of 81 hours. By 1992, the first independent radio studios “Radio Maximum” and “Bit 16” were opened, later “TOTEM”, “RIK”, “Channel 31” were created with the total amount of 25 new radio studios [3, p. 99]. Steadily, the Kazakh media space stepped into new path of development in which Internet and new media technologies occupied major space. The Internet, cable-satellite television, mobile telephones are among the main components of the new globalization process. The consequences of the evolution of new media are also global, their implementation and development are already changing the forms of consumption of information and communication in the country and in the world [4]. If the history of the emergence of the Internet in the world begins in 1957, then in Kazakhstan the first Internet appeared in 1994 - " Relcom", which organized an e-mail network on the principles of the Internet and with the ability to exchange messages with the world Internet [5]. In 1999, the international organization IANA appointed the Kazakh Network Information Center as the support manager for the. kz top-level domain name. Since 2005, two organizations have been managing and regulating the. kz domain: De facto - the Kazakh Network Information Center, and de jure - the Kazakhstan Association of IT Companies. On April 17, 2008 JSC " Kazcontent" was created to implement the tasks of the state in the field of formation and development of the Kazakhstani segment of the Internet, including the development of network information resources, organization of information and communication infrastructure. In 2016, the capacity of Kaznet (Kazakhstan Internet) amounted to 125411 domains (. KZ +. Қ AZ), which is 2% more than in 2015 [6]. At the same time, business models are changing in the world with the use of new technologies such as the Internet of things, cloud computing, blockchain and others. The world's leading states are adopting new digitalization strategies [7]. The transition to digital broadcasting is underway in many countries around the world. Since July 2012, digital broadcasting began in Kazakhstan. Residents of many of the most remote and sparsely populated corners of the country, where previously only two TV programs were available, were able to receive up to 15 TV channels in good quality. Nonetheless, the speed of technological capabilities is growing rapidly with every day. Television broadcasting can no longer compete with the Internet space. All leading TV channels make extensive and strong use of the Internet space, both in live broadcasting and in the form of downloaded recordings. The forerunner of the convergence process in journalism is the process of convergence in technology. Technological progress and the process of technical convergence have a significant impact on the formation of a new Kazakhstani mass media. Domestic TV channels have partially transformed into " online broadcasting" mode. Kazakhstani television has great potential for a complete transition to the online mode [4]. Today, out of the 17 million population in Kazakhstan, more than 10 million use the Internet [9]. The research, that was held and developed within the framework of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting «Giving Voice, Driving Change – from the Borderland to the Steppes - Cluster III: Central Asia” Project in 2018 conducted by Dr. Elira Turdubaeva, demonstrated the major trends in contemporary journalism of Kazakhstan. The research which has been carried out by involving 41 respondent-journalists revealed that in current times, most of the journalists use social networking sites as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Odnoklassniki. ru (Figure 1) in their daily life. Meanwhile, their reports are made with the thorough analysis being significantly relied on the data and information released on press releases, news reports from websites, news conferences, people and Facebook (Figure 2).
Figure 1. blabla [ ]
Figure 2. blabla [ ]
It should be noted that the share of Internet platforms is immense. In addition, it is necessary to indicate that the Internet was able to firmly penetrate into the print media, a number of Internet magazines, websites, and etc. News began to be made by ordinary people, everyone who had something to say and show. New tools have become available to millions of people that allow them to publish on the Internet [10]. That is, to some extent, the alarming case for the journalists who now have competitors. Today, the audience is not. Preoccupied with the technical quality of the news broadcast, it is more concerned about the promptness in receiving a portion of information about a particular event. [интернет-влияние] The interviews and survey in the framework of Madina Bulatova and Ayazbi Bеisenkulov research on the role of Social Media in Kazakhstani Journalism have shown that social media are often used by journalists to publish the socio-political content. Thus, 40% of respondents are active in socio-political discussion and investigation in social media (Fugure3).
Figure 3. blabla [ ]
[ https: //www. globalmediajournal. com/open-access/the-role-of-social-media-in-kazakhstani-journalism-new-traditions-and-challenges. php? aid=85892 ]
If we compare the media development of Kazakhstan with the Western countries, they have their own specifics and peculiarities. Germany, for instance, is a good example of this diversity. The media system of Kazakhstan and Germany has its own characteristics and patterns. If the media system of Germany has formed as a truly integral system with its own structure, elements and environment, the media system of Kazakhstan is just on its early stage of development. In Kazakhstan, we are witnessing a media policy aimed at strengthening control over large information resources in order to turn them into an effective tool for ideological work. As a result of such media policy, Kazakhstani mass media become an important resource of power and its ideological mechanism, increasing the legitimacy of the current government and forming the necessary public opinion [130, p. 210] In Germany, media policy is understood as the management and regulation of the media system. Management and regulatory measures include, for example, the establishment of a tax on the use of television and radio receivers, licensing of television and radio channels, the development of rules for media concentration, etc. Political communication, on the contrary, is the central mechanism in the formulation of binding decisions [131, p. 16]. With the consideration of political aspect, the Kazakh mass media is differentiated by government, opposition and independent. Pro-government publications have a significant impact on the formation of public opinion among bilingual and Russian-speaking audiences. At the same time, the degree of this influence in analytical and socio-political publications is differentiated by categories higher than in the official media. Independent mass media occupy independent evaluating the activities of both pro-government, Kazakh and anti-government forces. German journalism improvement has been accelerated since the two parts integrated into one unit. Consequently, in 1992, the State Treaty on Television Broadcasting entered into force, which established the existence of public and private television in Germany. The largest public-law TV and radio companies ARD and ZDF, private free “Raboches” emerged TV and radio companies RTL, SAT. 1, ProSieben and private paid TV company - sky. Public law television broadcasts 12 national, 8 regional thematic programs via cable or satellite antennas. channels are subdivided into informational n-tv, N24, music - VIVA, MTV and sports - DSF. In addition, there are three international resources: Deutsche Welle (German Wave), broadcasting abroad, the German-French channel art and the German-Austrian-Swiss cultural channel 3sat [122]. Large private television companies are serious rivals of public law. Public law television is trying to retain its audience, while television is struggling for an audience. less, the German population is more likely to prefer private television. Approximate ratio: public law 43%, private - 57%. Online publications have become serious competitors to traditional, especially print media. Partly these are independent publications, partly - Internet versions of existing media, for example, in Germany it is very popular The digitalization of the media space, the Internet, the dynamic adoption of mobile devices and the growth of social media have changed attitudes towards media consumption in Germany. 55. 6 million people (79%) of the population over 14 years old use the Internet - for comparison, in 1997 this figure was at the level of 4. 1 million people. Each Internet user spends 5. 9 hours a week and 166 minutes daily. [121] Almost half of the users are members of the private community. The technological revolution has brought new understandings to public life. Social media and the blogosphere have become a reflection of an open and dialogical society in which everyone can act as a creator of a certain opinion in the public. German citizens spend 8. 33 hours a day using TV, radio, daily newspapers and the Internet. topical mass media The use of such an amount of time is possible for 2 reasons: 1) radio and TV are increasingly used as " media between business", that is, the devices are turned on and work when a person is busy with something else, usually this is the case with young people; 2) The media are used not only in their free time, but also while driving or while working. In these cases, one might say, the media perform the function of just entertainment [141). The availability of various communication technologies in the form of the Internet and mobile applications is changing user preferences, however, Germany still has one of the most diverse traditional medical landscapes.
As shown by the study, in Kazakhstan, the role of mass media in the results of sociological analysis of public opinion perceived as influencing positively, noted by 44. 7%, as influencing negatively 17. 9%, and 20. 5% believe that the media does not affect public opinion (Figure 4).
Figure 4.
In Germany, there is no differentiation of the media space as is the place in Kazakhstan. Public opinion there is faced with informational multidirectional development of its own views, assessments and approaches to the policy of the state and its political decisions in an ideologically competitive environment. Consumers of political information have access to alternative opinions, strongly streams, contributing to the developed analytical journalism, which is lacking in the Kazakh media sphere.
[диссер Назарбаева]