3.Sitting exams at the end of each year was a new experience for me as well but I really enjoyed higher education. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 3. Sitting exams at the end of each year was a new experience for me as well but I really enjoyed higher education. 4. I had my graduation ceremony last year in the local cathedral and I know my parents were really proud 5. I’m thinking of doing a Masters Degree soon … though that might be through distance learning as I have a full-time job now 6. I really don't want to fall behindwith my studies, so is it possible for me to watch your lecture online? I really don't want to fall behind, so is it possible for me to watch your lecture online? 7. I was supposed to turn in my course work last week, so I didn’t really manage to keep the deadline.