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Simple one- and two-parameter models for calculating atomic charges in molecules


Sergei F. Vyboishchikov1, 2

1 Institut de Quí mica Computacional i Catà lisi and Departament de Quí mica, Universitat de Girona, Spain

2 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia


The concept of atomic charges in molecules is widely used by chemists to qualitatively describe mo­le­cular properties and reactivity. Nevertheless, there is no unique way to de­fine a charge of an atom in a molecule. Hence, many alternative schemes exist that dif­fer in the way how the molecular electron density is part­i­tioned among the atoms.

We propose two new atomic-charge methods, the Adjusted Charge Partitioning (ACP) [1] and its iterative version, Iterative ACP [2]. To partition the valence elect­ronic density into atomic com­po­nents, Slater-type weighting factors cAr2n–2eα Ar are used. Within the ACP me­thod, both cA and α A are fixed parameters reflecting atomic electro­ne­gativity and atomic size, re­spec­tive­ly. The pa­ra­me­ters are adjusted to reproduce mo­le­cu­lar dipole moments in the best way. In the Iterative ACP, only α A is fixed, while the co­ef­ficient cA is determined iteratively in every cal­culation.

The advantage of the ACP method is that it is non-iterative, thus fast and reliable. The Ite­ra­tive ACP is more accurate, flexible and easier to parameterize, but a little bit more com­pu­ta­tion­al­ly demanding.

Extensive numerical tests show that the resulting atomic charges accurately reproduce experi­men­tal di­pole mo­ments, are insensitive to basis sets used and chemically consistent.

Possible applications of the ACP and Iterative ACP schemes for calculating solvation energies of neutral molecules are shown.




[1] A. A. Voityuk, A. J. Stasyuk, S. F. Vyboishchikov, “A simple model for calculating atomic charges in molecules”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 23328–23337 DOI: 10. 1039/C8CP03764G

[2] S. F. Vyboishchikov, A. A. Voityuk, " Iterative atomic-charge partitioning of valence electron density", J. Comp. Chem. , 2019, 40, 875–884. DOI: 10. 1002/jcc. 25771


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