15 Talk about your death while you're still healthyСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ 15 Talk about your death while you're still healthy depart, expire, launch into eternity = to die tightness ['taɪ tnə s] сжатость, стеснение (дыхания), скованность celebrant ['selə br(ə )nt] священник, отправляющий церковную службу coffin ['kɔ fɪ n] гроб will завещание deceased [dɪ 'siː st] покойный, умерший laws vary ['veə rɪ ] законы варьируются shove [ʃ ʌ v] пихать; толкать Stop shoving me! — Не толкай меня! palliative ['pæ lɪ ə tɪ v] паллиативный, смягчающий palliative words solemn ['sɔ lə m] торжественный ladle ['leɪ dl] поварешка 1) But most of us don't want to acknowledge death, we don't want to plan for it, and we don't want to discuss it with the most important people in our lives. 2) I believe if we discuss death as part of day-to-day living, we give ourselves the opportunity to reflect on our core values, share them with our loved ones, and then our survivors can make informed decisions without fear or regret of having failed to honor our legacy. 3) Life would be a lot easier to live if we talked about death now, while we're healthy. For most of us, we wait until we are too emotional, too ill or too physically exhausted -- and then it's too late. 4) If you don't have a will, I ask you... when else in your life have you willingly given money to the government when you didn't have to? 5) Did you know that your body has to be legally disposed of, and you can't just be shoved off a cliff or set fire to in the backyard?