ЗАДАНИЯ ШКОЛЬНОГО ЭТАПА. РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКОЙ ПРЕДМЕТНОЙ ОЛИМПИАДЫ ОБУЧАЮЩИХСЯ. 2021-2022 учебный год. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК,. АУДИРОВАНИЕ. Answer Sheet. Task 1.Listen to the text twice and do the tasks. Statements 1 through 10: on your answer sheet circle T if theСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ ЗАДАНИЯ ШКОЛЬНОГО ЭТАПА РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКОЙ ПРЕДМЕТНОЙ ОЛИМПИАДЫ ОБУЧАЮЩИХСЯ 2021-2022 учебный год АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК, 10 КЛАСС АУДИРОВАНИЕ Answer Sheet Task 1. Listen to the text twice and do the tasks. Statements 1 through 10: on your answer sheet circle T if the statement is true, F if it is false. 1. Tomatoes have unique flavor, attractiveness, richness as a source of vitamins C and A, and usefulness as a food. T/F 2. Peppers as a garden plant can be accepted an important nutritional food in the diet. T/F 3. The cultivated tomato originated in the Andes Mountains of South Africa. It was introduced to other areas of the world by Indians and European travelers. T/F 4. Tomato seeds were taken to Europe, where a superstition soon arose that the tomato stimulated love. T/F 5. In North America tomato was grown primarily as an ornamental plant. T/F 6. The tomato is the leading crop canned in the Unites States today. T/F 7. Modern plant growers have done much to double the productivity of tomatoes and to add to its usefulness. T/F 8. The small red hot peppers were discovered by Columbus in the West Indies and introduced into America. T/F 9. In Europe the small red hot peppers became popular after gaining widespread acceptance in the United States. T/F/ 10. The familiar spice black pepper known in households throughout the world is the product of a trailing or climbing bush grown only in Indonesia. T/F
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 10 КЛАСС ПИСЬМЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ 40 баллов 1. Write an article for the Youth Magazine. Express your opinion on the following: “Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water. Choose one recourse that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved”. Use the following plan: — make an introduction (state the problem) — express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion — express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion — explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion — make a conclusion restating your position.