to glance
/ɡ lɑ ː ns /
| to quickly look at someone or something
glance at/up/down etc
· The man glanced nervously at his watch.
to glare at
/ɡ leə /
| to look angrily at someone for a long time → stare
glare at
· She glared at him accusingly.
to vanish
| to disappear suddenly, especially in a way that cannot be easily explained
· My keys were here a minute ago but now they’ve vanished.
| if someone or a part of their body is stiff, their muscles hurt and it is difficult for them to move
stiff from doing something
· Her legs were stiff from kneeling.
stiff with
· Her fingers were stiff with cold.
stiff neck/back/joint etc
· Alastair woke with a stiff neck.
to stretch luck/ rules/ patience
| to allow something that would not normally be allowed by a rule or limit
· This once, I’ll stretch the rules and let you leave work early.
It all boils down to this
| informal
if a long statement, argument etc boils down to a single statement, that statement is the main point or cause
· It boils down to a question of priorities.
comparable to
/ˈ kɒ mpə rə bə l/
| similar to something else in size, number, quality etc, so that you can make a comparison
→ compare, comparison
· A car of comparable size would cost far more abroad.
comparable figures/data/results
/ˌ ɪ nfɪ nə ˈ tesə mə l/
| extremely smallSYN minuscule
· infinitesimal changes in temperature
infinitesimally small
/ˈ sʌ tl/
| not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention
OPP obvious
· The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them.
/dɪ ˈ lɪ riə m/
| a state in which someone is delirious (talking continuously in an excited or anxious way), especially because they are very ill
• The win brought on delirium among the fans.
| able to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event
→ tough
· Children are often very resilient.
to weigh the evidence
| · It is the duty of the courts of States parties to the Convention to assess the facts, weigh the evidence and, in particular, to evaluate the credibility of the parties in each case.
a considered opinion
| An opinion or decision that someone has reached after a lot of thought:
· It is my considered opinion that he should be promoted.
to stink
| to have a strong and very unpleasant smell
· It stinks in here!
stink of
· His breath stank of alcohol.
| a very strong bad smell
· the stench of urine
to come through smth/ alive
| to continue to live, be strong, or succeed after a difficult or dangerous time
SYN survive
· If he comes through the operation OK he should be back to normal within a month.
· It’s been a tough time, but I’m sure you’ll come through and be all the wiser for it.
to throw up
| to bring food or drink up from your stomach out through your mouth because you are ill
SYN vomit
· Georgia was bent over the basin, throwing up.
to revoke the license
| to officially state that a law, decision, or agreement is no longer effective
→ revocation
· Their work permits have been revoked.
to fumble
| (also fumble around) to try to hold, move, or find something with your hands in an awkward way
· She dressed, her cold fingers fumbling with the buttons.
fumble for
· I fumbled around in my bag for a cigarette.
to nudge
| to push someone gently, usually with your elbow, in order to get their attention
· Jill nudged him in the ribs.
There is no telling
| used to say that there is no way to know what will happen in a certain situation
· There’s no telling who is going to show up tonight.
| to spoil something or give it an unpleasant quality
· His reputation was permanently tainted by the financial scandal.
· He warned of toxins such as mercury tainting some fish.
| 1 extremely beautiful and very delicate
· the most exquisite craftsmanship
2 very sensitive and delicate in the way you behave or do things
· She has exquisite taste in art.
His mind whirled
| · His heart was racing, his mind whirling.
· I strolled down a country road, my mind whirling with the chaotic events of the day, I periodically stopped, leaned into a bank of grass and watched the farmers drive their combines up and down the fields in perfectly controlled arcs.
to plead
| to ask for something that you want very much, in a sincere and emotional way
· ‘Don’t go! ’ Robert pleaded.
· Civil rights groups pleaded for government help.
· Moira pleaded with him to stay.