School subjects worksheets – упражненияСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
School subjects worksheets – упражнения Ответы к упражнениям в конце статьи. Упражнение 1. Что это за предметы? What subjects are they?
1. In this lesson you sing or play a musical instrument 2. In this lesson you study animals and plants 3. In this lesson you study numbers 4. In this lesson you learn about things that happened in the past 5. Sports that you do at school 6. In this lesson you learn how to make beautiful things, like paintings and drawings 7. In this lesson you learn about countries, mountains and rivers Упражнение 2. На каком уроке используются эти вещи? 1. Pencils, paints, paper, brushes 2. Balls, sneakers, trainers, wall bars 3. Map, globe, compass 4. Piano, guitar, violin 5. English dictionary, textbook, workbook Упражнение 3. Put the letters in the correct order. 1 opggahery: ___________ 2 soiythr: ______________ 3 itelruetar: ____________ 4 gsinelh: ______________ 5 ooigbly: ______________ 6 smcui: _______________ 7 ashmt: ______________ 8 yipcssh: _____________ Упражнение 4. Найдите 8 названий школьных предметов
Упражнение 5. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения, используя названия школьных предметов. 1. My favourite subject is ……………………………. 2. I’m bad at ………………………, but I’m god at ………………………………… 3. I don’t like ……………………………… 4. My best friend likes …………………………………, but he/she doesn’t like…………………….