The Role Playing of “Telephone Messages” ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 The Role Playing of “Telephone Messages” Student A = Create a message. The message can be a statement or request. Student B = Receive the message from student A, repeat it and tell the message to student C. Student C = Receive the message, repeat it and say thanks to student B. A to B A : Good afternoon, I am “A”. Can I talk to “C”? B : Good afternoon “A”, I’m so sorry but he/she is not here now. Do you want to leave a message? A : Yes, please tell her/him that I want to meet her in the bookshop this evening! B : Ok, I will tell “C” that you want to meet him/her in this evening. A : Thank you. B : My pleasure. B to C B : Hi! I have a message for you. C : Ok, tell me please! B : A told me that he wants to meet you in the bookshop this evening. C : Ok. Thanks for telling me that A wants to meet me this evening. D : My pleasure J