CALL FOR PAPERS. Who are they, laughable Dutchs/Russians? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
CALL FOR PAPERS Round Table Who are they, laughable Dutchs/Russians?
VENUE: Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (building 5), the Moika river embankment (naberezhnaya reki Moiki) 48-50 (the entrance is on Kazanskaya street)
DATE: May 12, 2021 START: 4: 00pm GMP LANGUAGES: English DEADLINE: May 1, 2021
We could talk about national Dutch stereotypes about the Russians and Russaian stereotypes about the Dutchs (in humor embodiment). It can be realized by concrete examples in - in historical perspective (transformation of comic characters), - in imagological perspective (the image of the Strange), - as cultural ethimology (archeological analysis of the stereotype or its humoristic embodiment), - in sociological perspective (theoretician sociology of the plots or practical sociology of perceptions) - etc. This list is for presentation focusing. The Round Table will be built as short presentations (not longer than 15 minutes) + discussion afterwards. Discussion and every presentation should be focused on several questions: - “Can we all laugh about this? ” In other words: is humor universal, can it be? What makes humor funny? - If we assume that all people live in a particular situation –a country, a city/village, a social group, a layer of society, an ethnic group, a religious community, etc. -, can we also assume that what makes us laugh is dependent on that situation? Are there jokes for everyone? Are we dealing with a plurality of “laugh-we’s”? - What role in stereotype is played by humor? What is humor to stereotype for? As a material you can use jokes (anecdotes), cartoons (caricature), graffiti’s, urban legends or other (post)folklore works that demonstrate national stereotype by humour.
If you would like to present at the conference, please send an application: full name, affiliation, contact information (e-mail), the title of your presentation and abstract (up to 200 words) to Professor Evert van der Zweerde e. vanderzweerde@ftr. ru. nl or Sergey Troitskiy sergtroy@yandex. ru