User ManualThe software product " SqrtProg" is designed to extract square roots from any numbers, including complex ones. Step 1. When you start the program, the following window opens, you need to change the language to English: Step 2. In the input area, enter the number from which you want to extract the square root. The following input formats are accepted: - Integers of any length. For example: 512. - Real numbers of any length, the decimal separator is the “dot” symbol (“. ”). For example: 512. 3 - Complex numbers written as a ± bi. The values a and b can be of any length, real or integer. The real or imaginary part of the number may also be missing. For example: 12 + 3 * i, 5, 8 * i, 36. 3-i.
Step 3. If you are not satisfied with the default accuracy of calculations (the number of digits after the point), you can set it yourself. To do this, use the " Calculate with specified precision" field in the input area. You can either enter the desired value into it, or select it using the arrows on the side. Step 4. After the number and precision have been entered correctly, the " Calculate" button becomes active. By clicking it, you will receive the answer - the square root of the entered number, written with the specified precision.
Step 5. You can exit the program using the " cross" button in the upper right corner of the window. Additional features: 1) If necessary, you can change the language of the application. 2) You can also find us in the VK group by clicking on the " Help" button. Forum: You can discuss the program and get answers to your questions on the official page on VKontakte https: //vk. com/public204656121. Our news is published here, as well as forums in Russian and English.