Useful Vocabulary and expressionsThere are a lot of myths out there. We have 10 myths here ready to be debunked (опровергнуты). But firstly try to find out what is a true fact and what is a popular myth yourself 😉 So, True or False? 1) You can catch a cold (простудиться) if you spend too much time in cold air. 2) There are only bad bacteria. No bacteria are good for health. 3) Blood in our veins is blue. It gets red when it's exposed to oxygen (под влиянием кислорода). 3) Sugar doesn't make you hyperactive. It might affect (повлиять) your weight though. 4) Shaving makes hair thicker and darker (толще и темнее). 5) The Great Wall of China is visible from space (видна из космоса). 6) Seasons don't change because Earth gets closer (становится ближе) to the Sun. 7) Baby birds will be abandoned (покинуты) by their parents if you touch them. 8) Alcohol beverages can warm you up (согреть). Check your answers with the video: https: //m. youtube. com/watch? v=3MA-K5whgZk
Questions for discussion: 1) Which popular myths did you believe in the past? What changed your opinion? 2) What is the strangest myth in the video, in your opinion? 3) Which myth is easy to believe? 4) What myths do your friends and relatives believe in? Do you try to change their mind? 5) How do you check new information?
Useful Vocabulary and expressions Questions to ask for proof: Are there any scientific studies/researches on this topic? Is there any scientific evidence? Is there any proof that it's true? Is there any verified data? Can you provide a link to it?
Stating that there is no proof: There's no correlation between... and... There's no actual proof that... There is no scientific data on... It was proved wrong by the scientists. No evidence was found.
Useful vocabulary for possible discussions: MSG (monosodium glutamate) - глутамат натрия Raw fish - сырая рыба Shelf life - срок годности Fortune cookies - печенье с предсказаниями To file a missing person report - сообщить о пропаже человека The forbidden fruit - запретный плод Tap water - вода из-под крана Fan death - смерть от вентилятора Swallow a spider - проглотить паука Lightning strikes - молния бьет Fingernails - ногти Easily absorbed - легкоусваиваемый To crack knuckles - хрустеть костяшками Digest - переваривать