● Developing a clear definition for such terms as ‘outer space’, ‘weaponization’, ‘militarization’, etc. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 ● Developing a clear definition for such terms as ‘outer space’, ‘weaponization’, ‘militarization’, etc. ● Lack of internationally accepted legal binding system in the field of regulation of arms in outer space; ● Implementation of the space debris mitigation measures in order to reduce our environmental impact in space and minimise the production of the future debris; ● Regulation of the emerging commercial space tourism industry, adjustment of the existing space treaties to today’s era. If the international community fails to follow up on this agenda, then history will most likely repeat itself, reintroducing the Cold War conditions. As soon as possible we need to achieve results out of meaningful international discussions on the subject matter. Therefore, what we need is action, not debate. CONCLUSION Once an arms race occurred in outer space, it would inflict awesome catastrophe to mankind. Being aware of this danger since long before, the international community has been striving to conclude international legal instruments to regulate human activities in outer space. Since the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) included the prevention of an arms race in outer space (PAROS) into its agenda in the late 1950s, thanks to the concerted efforts by all countries, several international treaties related to outer space have been concluded. To sum up, the peaceful use of outer space has brought tremendous benefits to human development and social progress. More and more countries have gained the capability to explore and use outer space by purchasing or renting commercial satellites. As the evidence suggests, the well being of mankind is more than ever closely linked with peace and tranquility of outer space. The overwhelming majority of UN member states are concerned that theweaponization of outer space will lead to an arms race and insist that a multilateral treaty is the only way to prevent such an arms race, emphasizing that this treaty would not limit space access, but would prevent such limitations. SOURCES 1. A/RES/75/397, 2020, Prevention of an arms race in outer space: report of the 1st Committee: General Assembly, 75th sessionhttps: //digitallibrary. un. org/record/3892623? ln=en; 2. A/RES/73/20, 2018, Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses ofOuter Space (2030 Agenda, SDG)https: //undocs. org/Home/Mobile? FinalSymbol=A%2F73%2F20& Language=E& DeviceType=Desktop; 3. A/RES/66/27, 2011, Prevention of an arms race in outer spacehttps: //www. reachingcriticalwill. org/images/documents/Disarmament-fora/1com/1com10/gares/A%20RES%2065%2068. pdf; 4. A/RES/65/68, 2011, Transparency and confidence-building measures inouter space activities; 5. Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests In The Atmosphere, In OuterSpace And Under Water, 1963, [text]http: //www. islandone. org/Treaties/BH454. html; 6. Outer Space Treaty, 1967, [text]https: //www. unoosa. org/oosa/en/ourwork/spacelaw/treaties/outerspacetreaty. html; 7. Agreement Relating To The International Telecommunications SatelliteOrganization " Intelsat" (with annexes and Operating Agreement), 1971, [text] http: //www. islandone. org/Treaties/BH585. html; 8. Liability Convention, 1972, [text]http: //www. islandone. org/Treaties/BH595. html; 9. Registration Convention, 1975, [text]http: //www. islandone. org/Treaties/BH653. html; 10. The Moon Agreement, 1979, [text]http: //www. islandone. org/Treaties/BH766. html; 11. Conference on Disarmamenthttps: //www. nti. org/learn/treaties-and-regimes/conference-on-disarmament/; 12. Status of International Agreements relating to activities in outer space asat 1 January 2020https: //www. unoosa. org/documents/pdf/spacelaw/treatystatus/TreatiesStatus-2020E. pdf.