Rules. Remember Me. Whisper x Storm MAPСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ Rules · You can do 1-4 parts · You must use a my designs of characters · You can’t draw with program’s watermarks · You can’t do a your watermarks on part, I’ll do it
Remember Me Whisper x Storm MAP Part 1 Remember me, Whisper stands on a flower meadow and sings it, smiling Part 2 Though I have to say goodbye Whisper goes to the Storm sitting behind him and sings it. Storm looks sad or worried. Part 3 Remember me, Whisper hugs Storm with his tail and says this. Storm starts crying. Part 4 [Kiryell_Climm] Don’t let it make you cry Whisper whisks tears from the eyes of the Storm its tail and says it. Whisper all also smiles. Part 5 For even if I’m far away I hold you in my heart Storm begins to smile and runs over to Whisper in the meadow. Part 6 I sing a secret song to you each night we’re apart Storm and Whisper play on the flowers. Storm knocks Whisper to the ground while he sings it. Part 7 Remember me, Whisper wake up and looking at the dark forest, what behind meadow.
Part 8 Though I have to travel far Whisper turn his head back to Storm and says this, who sitting on meadow. Whisper also twirls his tail.
Part 9 Remember me, Whisper run away to the forest with smile and says this. Storm run behind him and try to shout.
Part 10 Each time you hear a sad guitar Whisper turn back and put his head on the Storm’s head.
Part 11 [Mazmorras de Flores] Know that I’m with you the only way that I can be Storm cuddle to his fur and crying, Whisper sings it with sad smile. Storm sings too.
Part 12 [Mazmorras de Flores] Until you’re in my arms again Whisper put his paw on the Storm’s shoulder and looking at the black cloud above. They sing it.