Текст 1 Who's inСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Упражнения на развитие механизма антиципации ( Happy English 3, Teacher's Book p. 85) You will hear an interview with the members of the 2W0 THIRD3 band. What is their attitude towards clothes? Interviewer: I am asking Victor Scerri. Do you think clothes are important? Victor: I think they're a very good way of expressing yourself. I've always enjoyed dressing up, and being in a band is a good way of getting away with wearing things you couldn't normally! Interviewer: Victor, what is your favourite outfit and how much did it cost? Victor. My favourite outfit at the moment is a pair of big baggy jeans (£ 70), boots (£ 85) and a flying jacket (£ 100). Interviewer. Would you describe yourself as a fashion slave? Victor. I think of myself more as a victim of fashion!.. Вариант 1. Использование экспозиции. Чтобы ввести учащихся в атмосферу общения, настроить на предстоящий разговор о моде, проведите экспозицию-беседу, интересуясь их мнением по поводу одежды. В ходе экспозиции могут обсуждаться вопросы, на которые затем будут отвечать члены группы. Таким образом учащиеся антиципируют и проблему обсуждения, и частично содержание интервью, которое им предстоит прослушать. Вариант 2. Использование картинок. Если Вы используете данную картинку при обучении аудированию с полным охватом содержания, следует обращать внимание на общее впечатление или в целом на стиль одежды. В случае использования при слушании с детальным пониманием перед последним компонентом установки задается ряд вопросов с целью выявления определенных деталей. Справка: существует несколько видов аудирования: listening for the main idea, listening for details, listening for specific information. а) С полным охватом содержания. You are going to listen to an interview with the 2WO THIRD3 band. Here they are in the picture (Lee, Victor, Danny). What could they say about the importance of wearing stylish clothing. б) С детальным пониманием Now you will hear an interview with the members of the popular teenage group 2WO THIRD3 (Victor, Lee, Danny). Look at the picture: What does Victor like to wear? What is Victor's favourite outfit? Does Danny look stylish? What styles does Lee like to combine to look fashionable? What colours does Lee prefer in his clothing? Is the band's image striking and memorable? So, let's summarize what each of them could say about the importance of clothing. Вариант 3. Использование вербальных опор (таких как ключевые слова, фразы). Cтоит предположить, что у учащихся 8 класса вызовут затруднения такие ЛЕ как a victim, to judge, striking, memorable, поэтому и включили их в данное упражнение. You will hear an interview with the members of the 2WO THIRD3 band. Before listening let's look through the list of key phrases from the text. (На доску выпишите ключевые фразы. Прочитывая их вместе с учениками, семантизируйте лексические единицы в случае необходимости. What do you think they will say about the importance of wearing stylish clothing. - a very good way of expressing yourself - a victim of fashion - comfortable clothes - colour is the main attraction - striking and memorable image - to judge people by their clothes Вариант 4. Использование тезисов, основных идей, выделенных из текста. a) Учащимся предлагается поразмышлять по поводу того, какие доводы, факты, аргументы в пользу обоснования своей позиции интервьюируемые могли бы привести. При прослушивании ученики сверяют свои предположения с содержанием текста. Установка может звучать следующим образом: You will listen to an interview with the band. One of the members thinks of himself as a victim of fashion. Danny is sure to be a fashion leader. What do you think they could say about the role of fashion in their life. b) Вы также можете использовать таблицу, содержащую ответы интервьюируемых на основные вопросы. При этом Вы можете варьировать степень сложности (заполненности) таблицы, включив разное количество ответов. Например:
You are going to listen to the members of the 2WO THIRD3 band (Victor, Lee, Danny). What is their attitude towards fashion? Look at the table with questions and answers. What could the other members' answers be? Вариант 5. Использование вопросов. You will get acquainted with an interview of the 2WO THIRD3 band on the point of their attitude towards clothes. Before this listen to the list of questions and say which questions they could discuss in the interview. Do you think clothes are important? What is the worst thing you've ever been made to wear? Are you a fashion slave? What are your favourite designers? Do you prefer expensive clothes? Вариант б. Прослушивание текста по частям. Например, сначала ученики слушают интервью с 1 или 2 членами группы (Victor, Danny), после этого учитель останавливает запись. So, you've got acquainted with Victor's and Danny's attitude towards clothes. What do you think Lee would say? Вариант 7. Использование микротекста. Перед прослушиванием основного текста предложите учащимся микротекст по той же проблеме.
“You will hear part of a radio interview about colour-blindness. Summarise the information in the interview. A. So what exactly is colour-blindness? B. Well, colour-blind people can see perfectly clearly, but they can’t distinguish certain colours, mostly red or green (sometimes both). A. What causes it? B. Well, we all have colour sensors in our eyes and when these are damaged our ability to see different colours is reduced. There are three types of sensors: some respond to red, some to green and some to blue light. But they work in combination so that we can see all the colours of the rainbow. If one of your sensors is damaged, your colour vision will be disrupted, but if two are damaged you can only see in black and white. A: I don't think I've ever known a colour-blind person so it must be quite rare. B: No not at all, unless all your friends and acquaintances are women, that is. Only a tiny proportion of women... about 0. 04 per cent... are colour-blind but among men in western Europe as many as 8 per cent are affected. A: So does it stop them leading normal lives? B: Yes it can do. There are a number of jobs where distinguishing colours can be very important... electricians for example must be able to tell the difference between blue, brown, yellow and green. But in fact if you drive a car distinguishing red, green and orange is vital. A: So does that mean if you're colour-blind you can't drive? B: Fortunately no. We can solve the problem by giving the person tinted contact lenses. The tint tricks the brain into perceiving colour. Usually they only have to wear one so it's not too obvious, but one of our patients, a photographer, couldn't tell orange from green so he had to wear a purple and a yellow lens. I've never had a case like that before. He tells me he does get some funny looks from passers-by. A: It must be fantastic for people once they have the lenses and can see all the colours. B: Well, yes... though it does have some funny consequences. One woman, who couldn't see red, was horrified when she saw what colour strawberries were. She could never face eating them again after that” [First certificate Gold exam maximiser, 2000. P. 156]. Текст 1 Who's in " The door is shut fast