Rendering ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 The article suggested to our attention is taken from the Internet magazine “The Conversation” of November 7, 2018. The headline of the article is “Salt: how to cut back without losing that delicious flavor”. It is giving a hint on because one can easily guess from the title what the article is going to be about. The author is Jane Parker. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Reading. The article deals with the problem of the amount of salt consumed by a person. The author supports the idea that salt is harmful in large quantities, but at the same time wonders if the food will be tasty. The author talks about the fact that thanks to the development of the food industry the average salt intake decrease by 10% over the past 15 years. The main reason for this is that scientists now understand more about the perception of salinity. The author gives us some tricks in not very noticeable cutback in salt in our diet. For example, salt particles size and shape change. But this is a “global” method. At home you can overcome this by adding more herbs and spices or just add foods that contain natural flavour enhancers (tomatoes, parmesan cheese, soy sauce, Worcester sauce). In addition, the article mentioned the experiment of the University of Reading which proves that the more often we eat food without salt the tastier it will be for us. In conclusion the author says that if you want low-salt diet you should train your brain to enjoy it. I find the article worth reading because the problem of salt intake is relevant nowadays. In general, the problem of healthy and proper nutrition has been important at all times. And this article is one of the vivid examples of how excessive consumption of a product such as salt can be detrimental to human health.