Vice President Of Al Badie Group - KhaledAl Badie ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Mr. Khaled is very popular and the reason behind the same is his ultimate role and contribution to push the success and name of the Al Badie Mr. khaledAl Badie is the director, vice president and board of director of the group and running business successfully since 1967. Yes, the group was founded by the few families and now Mr. Khaled is ruling the business with the other management personnel, are the masterminds behind the successful functioning of this agency. The group has many branches and headquarters at Abu Dhabi and covered most of the domains, from insurance to oil and gas, construction, transport, marine and various others. Mr. Al Badie group doesn’t believe in earning money, even he is very much concerned with the customer satisfaction and for the same he does anything. He just wishes to attain business aims not in terms of the value of money, but also in terms of quality of service and professionalism. Every agency which is under the group working is well versed with the best management team and their skill just to go with the continuous improvement and betterment of service to their customers. The group also monitors the response of customers and incorporates their suggestions to their business practices. As well as introduced the complain section as well, however, if anybody has a problem with the group or the services, they can easily reach to the top level management to get instant solutions. Mr. Khaled and his group is very popular and in order to know more about the same, better grab details from the suggested source.