17. Translate the word combinations into Russian. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 17. Translate the word combinations into Russian. Unimportant news, unemployed workers, to unlock the door, immortal fame, inaccurate statement, inorganic chemistry, irresponsible person, to disqualify a sportsman, likes and dislikes, to demobilize the army, merits and demerits, to misspell a word, to misunderstand smb, non-atomic weapon, antiwar demonstrations, counter proposal, output production, extra-human efforts, to overthrow a government, supersonic plane, under-populated regions, subtropical climate, intercontinental rockets, prehistoric development, pro-fascist government. 18. State what part of speech each of the following words belong to. Read the pairs of words. and comment on the stress in them: a. Economy-economic, industry-industrial, technology-technological. b. Canada-Canadian, Europe-European, Japan-Japanese. c. to generate-generation, to fabricate-fabrication, to analyze-analysis, to emphasize-emphasis, emphatic, to separate-separation. 19. State what suffixes the nouns and adjectives are built with: Preparation, transmission, discovery, employment, drawing, defense, conductivity, dusty room, salty fish, British goods, foolish words, portable radio, active people, basic principles, specific conditions, mechanical properties, commercial school, crowded streets, papered walls, monthly wage, victorious army, icy hands. 20. Translate these compounds. State their type. Undertaker, stay-at-home, red-hot, lady-bird, busybody, handiwork, early-riser, T-shirt, golden-haired, mail-delivery, bookshelf, ice-cold.