1. Learn the words and word combinations: luxurious [lʌ g'zjuə riə s] роскошный, превосходный elaborate[i'lᴂ bə rit] тщательноразработанный, продуманный gourmet ['guə mei] гурман, гастроном appeal (to) привлекать, притягивать, нравиться appreciate высоко ценить, понимать, ощущать reliability [rilaiə 'biliti]надежность, прочность, достоверность franchise франшиза; особое право или специальная привилегия; льгота leaseсдавать или брать внаем, в аренду specialty ['speʃ ə lti]зд. специальный ассортимент counter прилавок, стойка beverage напиток fastfoodoperation точка общественного питания canteen [kæ nˈ tiː n] столовая buffet ['bufei] буфет, буфетная стойка buffet ['bʌ fit] буфет для посуды; горка institutional (restaurants)ведомственные (предприятия общественного питания) take-away/ carry-out обслуживание на «вынос» painstakingly[ˈ peɪ nzteɪ. kɪ ŋ. li]старательно, усердно, тщательно, кропотливо time-consuming отнимающий много времени customerturnoverзд. количество постоянных посетителей; пропускная способность предприятия acknowledged[ ə kˈ nɒ l. ɪ dʒ ]признанный, заслуженный 2. Read and translate the text. Types of Restaurants The millions of people who eat out every day have a wide variety of needs and tastes from a quick lunch to a luxurious meal with elaborate service. Because of these differences there are many kinds of restaurants varying from street stands serving snacks and fast food to elaborate restaurants with the best cooking. Restaurants generally fit into the following categories. The gourmet restaurant is a restaurant which offers meals that appeal to a person who appreciates the best in food and drink. Such person is called a gourmet. The service and prices are usually in accord with the quality of the meal so that these restaurants are the most expensive and luxurious of all food-service establishments. The family-type restaurant. Many eating places serve simple food at moderate prices that appeal to family groups. Perhaps their principal feature is the reliability they offer their customers through standardized food and service. Many of these restaurants are owned by chains or operated under a franchise, an arrangement in which the name and procedures of the business are leased from a central organization. The specialty restaurant offers a limited variety or style of food. It may specialize in steaks or in fish or in a particular kind of national food, or it may depend on the atmosphere, decor, or personality of the owner to attract customers. Both the quality of the food and the prices are usually between those of the gourmet and family-type restaurants. The convenience restaurant serves customers who want to eat in a hurry and are interested in fast service, cleanliness and low price. One example of such an eating place is the lunch counter which ordinarily serves sandwiches and other simple foods and beverages. A modern variation of the lunch counter is the fast food operation. Thousands of these establishments have sprung all over the world. Fast foods are those which can be prepared, served and eaten quickly. Probably the most typical fast food is the hamburger, a grilled patty, of ground beef served between the slices of a round roll. Most institutional foodservices fall into the convenience category, including cafeterias and canteens in factories, offices, and hospitals, as well as some operations necessary to feed the military. Street stands are also convenience food service whether they offer a wide variety of dishes or only snacks for tourists. Another way to categorize restaurants is by the kind of service they offer. There are basically four types: table service, counter service, self-service and take away (carry-out). In table service restaurants, customers are seated at tables where food is served by a waiter or a waitress. In counter service restaurants, customers sit at a counter and are served either by the person who prepares the food or by a waiter or waitress. A self-service restaurant is: frequently called a buffet or cafeteria. There customers pass in front of a counter where food is displayed and help themselves to, what they want, then they carry the food to a table themselves. Usually institutional restaurants are cafeterias, though many cafeterias are intended for public business. Take-away/carry-out restaurants often serve fast foods; customers place their orders at a counter (or by telephone), then «take out» the food to wherever they wish to eat it — at their jobs, in a park, in a car or at home. The unprecedented percentage of working wives and mothers has made an enormous impact on the entire foodservice industry, but it is a very important factor in the growth of the take-away or carry-out restaurant. These kinds of restaurants fulfil the customer's immediate convenience. Taste and style of cooking and eating are fulfilled by cuisine. Gourmet cuisine usually consists of dishes freshly and painstakingly prepared, often in ways too time-consuming and skillful to be easily duplicated at home or in restaurants depending on customer turnover. These meals are often taken from one of the acknowledged great world cuisines, such as French, Chinese or Hungarian. 3. Answerthefollowingquestions: 1. Why are there so many different restaurants? 2. What types of restaurants are mentioned in the text? 3. What kind of food does a gourmet restaurant offer? 4. Why is it expensive? 5. What is the principal feature of a family-type restaurant? 6. What other things appeal to people in such restaurants? 7. What is a franchise? 8. What does a specialty restaurant offer? 9. What is a gourmet? 10. How does it compare with gourmet and family-type restaurants? 11. Who eats at convenience restaurants? 12. Why have they become so popular? 13. What category do, institutional foodservices fall into? 14. How are street stands categorized? 15. What is another way to categorize restaurants? 16. What-is the difference between table service and counter service? 17. How a self-service restaurant is frequently called? 18. What kind of service is take-away (carry-out)? 19. Why is it growing so fast? 20. What is gourmet cuisine? How is it different from other types of foodservices?
4. Sum up what you have learned from the text about: • the variety of eating establishments; • the main categories most restaurants fit into; • the differences in these categories; • franchise arrangements; • institutional foodservices; • another way to categorize restaurants; • gourmet cuisine; • the importance of the, choice of cuisine. 5. Find in the text another way of expressing the same meaning: 1. A person with educated taste in food and drink. 2. An arrangement in which an operator from a central organization leases the name and procedures for a business. 3. Restaurant service in which customers are seated at a table where they are served by a waiter or waitress. 4. Restaurant service in which customers are seated at a counter where they are served by the person who prepares the food or by a waiter or waitress. 5. A restaurant in which customers serve themselves from food displayed on a counter. 6. A foodservice establishmentfrom which customers take prepared food to eat at some other place such as a car, an office, home. 7. The individual who serves meals to customers in a restaurant. 8. Foodservices in such institutions as factories, hospitals, big companies, schools, universities. 9. A French word used in English for a particular style of cooking.
6. Find in the text phrases which mean the same: 1. широкое разнообразие потребностей и вкусов; 2. изысканныерестораны; 3. человек, который ценит еду и напитки наилучшего качества; 4. обслуживание и цены соответствуют качеству еды; 5. самые дорогие и роскошные предприятия питания; 6. умеренныецены; 7. основнаяхарактеристика/черта; 8. управляется по договору франчайзинга; 9. предлагаетограниченныйассортиментблюд; 10. зависит от атмосферы, оформления или личности владельца; 11. рестораныбыстрогопитания; 12. обслуживание у стойки; 13. подавать простую еду и напитки у обеденной стойки; 14. возникли/появились во всем мире; 15. ведомственныепредприятияобщественногопитания; 16. категория предприятий общепита с ассортиментом быстрого приготовления; 17. предприятияпитаниябыстрогообслуживания; 18. клиенты проходят перед стойкой, на которой расположены разнообразные блюда; 19. размещаютсвоизаказы; 20. беспрецедентныйпроцентработающихженщин; 21. оказало колоссальное влияние на всю индустрию питания; 22. удовлетворяют потребность в быстром обслуживании; 23. кухня для гурманов предполагает тщательно приготовленную и свежую пищу; 24. требующий много времени и мастерства.