Developed by S. B. Zhanabayeva
| | | |
| Accede to (v)
| agree to a demand, request, or join a join a treaty
| ~ to the request/demand/pact; accession (n); accessible (adj): wheelchair ~;
syn. agree to, consent to, accept, assent to
| Agent (n)
| a person who acts on behalf of another, in particular
| travel/estate/insurance/shipping/sales ~
syn. representative, intermediary, negotiator, broker, liaison
Cf. proxy
| Allocate (v)
| distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose
| ~ money/funds, budget ~s; allocator (n); allocable (adj)
syn. allot, assign, apportion, share out
| Augment (v)
| make (something) greater by adding to it; increase
| ~ sixfold; ~ budget/pay/number; augmenter (n); augmenting (adj);
syn. increase, add to, supplement, build up, enlarge, expand, extend, raise
| Bargain (v, n)
| negotiate a sale; a thing bought; a sale agreed; a thing bought cheaper than it usually is
| bargainer (n), bargaining (n); to make a ~; to ~ on a price
syn. negotiate, discuss terms, deal, hold talks
| Barter (n)
| the action or system of exchanging goods or services without using money
| ~ system; barter (v)
syn. trade, swap, exchange, sell
| Bid (n)
| an offer of a price, especially at an auction
| syn. offer, tender, proposal
| Bill of lading (n)
| document confirming the shipment of the goods by the sender/ consignor serving as a receipt of for the acceptance of the cargo, a list of transportation agreement conditions, a document of title to the goods
| syn. invoice, waybill, consignment, delivery note
| Cargo (n)
| goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle
| ~ ship/plane/vessel, bulk/general/air ~
syn. freight, load, consignment, delivery, shipment
| Commodity (n)
| a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold
| ~ market/price/money/exchange/economy/ production/stocks/tax
syn. item, material, product, article
| Compete (v)
| strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others
| ~ for/with/against; competition (n): excessive ~,
~ for/between/against; competitor (n); competitive (adj); competitiveness;
syn. rivalry, contest
| Consignment (n)
| a batch of goods destined for or delivered to someone
| ~note/stock, on ~; consigning (n);
consign (v): ~ for shipment, ~ to;
syn. delivery, shipment, load, cargo, goods
| Consume (v)
| eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink)
| consumer (n): ~ advocate/economy/
syn. eat, swallow, drink; purchaser, buyer, customer, shopper, client
| Credit (n)
| a sum of money made available by a bank on which a specified person or firm may draw
| letter of ~, ~ card; credit (v), creditor (n),
creditable (adj)
ant. debit
Cf. credit card
| Customs (n)
| official department responsible for collecting taxes on imported goods and making sure that illegal goods are not imported/exported; the place at a port airport, or frontier where officials check incoming goods, travelers, or luggage
| clear/go/get through ~,
~ duties/officials/check;
customable (adj)
| Deal (n, v)
| (n): a business transaction; a bargain or agreement
(v): to do business, trade with or in
| ~ with/in; make/reach a ~;
dealer (n)
syn. agreement, bargain,
contract, handle, manage, attend to
| Deliver (v)
| bring and hand over (a letter, parcel, or goods) to the proper recipient or address
| ~ on time,
delivery (n): ~ address/charge/room/person/note
syn. transfer, supply, cater
| Dispatch (v)
| send off to a destination or for a purpose
| ~ of cargo; dispatch (v); dispatched (adj)
syn. consign, post, mail, ship, freight
ant. receive, get
| Discount (n)
| a reduction from a usual or list price
| offer/gain a ~, sell at a ~; sales ~; discounted(adj); discount (v);
syn. reduction, price cut, concession, rebate
ant. surcharge
| Dumping (n)
| sending (goods unsalable in the home market) to a foreign market for sale at a low price; selling sth below the prime cost to penetrate a market
| unti/sporadic ~; dump (v): ~ into/to
| Edge (n)
| the outside limit of an object, area, or surface; a quality or factor which gives superiority over close rivals
| competitive/leading ~, on/over the ~,
to have the ~ over sb/sth; edge (v);
syn. advantage, excellence, privilege
| Export (v)
| send goods to another country
| export (n): import/~ duty, a ban on ~; exporter(n)
syn. sell overseas/abroad, send overseas/abroad, ship overseas/abroad
ant. import
| Freight (n)
| goods transported by truck, train, ship, or aircraft
| freight (n)
syn. goods, cargo, load, consignment, delivery, shipment, merchandise
| Futures (n)
| finance contracts for assets (especially commodities or shares) bought at agreed prices but delivered and paid for later
| ~ contract, buy/sell/deal in ~
| High-end (adj)
| denoting the most expensive of a range of products
| ~ production/products/computers
syn. top-line, deluxe, best, top of the line, superior
| Influx (n)
| an arrival or entry of large numbers of people or things
| massive ~ of sth;
syn. inundation, rush, flood
| Invoice (n)
| a list of goods sent or services provided, with a statement of the sum due for these
| commercial/tax/sales/purchase/final ~, send an ~ to, amount/value/price; invoice (v)
syn. bill, account, statement (of charges), e-bill
| Landlocked
| almost or entirely surrounded by land; having no coastline or seaport
| a ~ country/region/population;
| Liberalize (v)
| remove or loosen restrictions on (something, typically an economic or political system)
| ~ economy/the system;
liberalization (n): global/faster ~; liberalism(n): laissez-faire ~; liberalist(n); liberal (adj)
ant. autocrat, dictator
| Negotiate (v)
| try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion
| ~ sth with; negotiations (n); negotiator (n);
syn. settle, arrange, work out, reach an agreement on, agree on, come to terms about
| Option (n)
| a thing that is or may be chosen
| stock/call/put/default/share ~; option (v)
syn. choice, alternative, recourse, course of action, power to choose, right to choose
| Overdue (adj)
| not having arrived, happened, or been done by the expected time
| ~ payment/debt
syn. late, behind schedule, behind time, delayed
| Quota (n)
| a limited quantity of a particular product which under official controls can be produced, exported, or imported
| to set/fix/abolish/exceed a ~;
export/import ~; ~ system/of people/ sampling/ restrictions
syn. allocation, share, limit, ration
| Regulation (n)
| a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority
| removal of ~; financial/economic ~; (de)~ program
syn. order, act, law, bylaw
ant. deregulation
| Restriction (n)
| an official rule that limits or controls what people can do or what is allowed to happen
| impose/lift ~s, speed/import ~, without ~;
restrict (v); (un)restricted (adj);
syn. reduction, limitation, diminution
| Retail (n)
| the sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale
| in ~, the ~ trade/advertising; retail (v): ~ at/for; retailer (n); retailing (n);
ant. wholesale
| Revenue (n)
| income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature; a state’s annual income from which public expenses are met
| customs/government/tax ~, maximize ~
syn. income, receipts, earnings, profit, return, interest, gain
| Salesman
| a man whose job involves selling or promoting commercial products, either in a shop or visiting locations to get orders
| an insurance ~;
syn. seller, vendor, marketer, shop assistant
ant. buyer, client, consumer
| Shipment (n)
| the action of shipping goods; quantity of goods shipped
| time of/prior to ~; arrange/ban/prompt/drop ~;
ship (v); shipping (n)
syn. dispatch, forwarding, freight
| Subsidy (n)
| a sum of money granted by the state or a public body to help an industry or business keep the price of a commodity or service low
| a farm ~, give/cut ~, abolition of ~; subsidize (v); subsidiary (n): ~ to
syn. support, grant, contribution, donation, allowance, endowment
| Supply (v)
| make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide
| ~ by; supply (n)
syn. give, contribute, provide, donate, grant,
ant. demand
| Tariff (n)
| a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports
| remove/import/lower/raise ~s; customs ~s; tariff (v)
syn. toll, rate, price
| Trade (n, v)
| the action of buying and selling goods and services
| ~ balance/deficit/barrier, free/far ~; trade (v): to cease/continue trading
syn. commerce, buying and selling, dealing, traffic, trafficking, business