1. Audit (n, v)
| An official examination of the quality or condition of sthan official examination of the quality or condition of something: an official examination of the quality or condition of something: an official examination of the quality or condition of something: an official examination of the quality or condition of something: an official examination of the quality or condition of something:
| complete/conduct/do/undertake an ~
performance/quality/skills/external/internal ~
syn: examine, inspect, analize
2. Assess (v)
| Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of sth/sb
| ~accurately/ correctly/ properly
syn., judge, appraise, form an opinion of, check out
assessable(adj), assessment(n), assessor(n)
3. Baseline (n)
| A minimum or starting point used for comparison.
| ~ study/measurement
syn: measure, criterion, touchstone, standard
4. Benchmark(n)
| A standard or point of reference against which things may be compared
| a~for sth, to~sth against sth
syn.: standard, point of reference, basis, gauge, criterion
5. Breakthrough
| A sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development
| ~improvement
be/ represent/achieve/make a~; ~ come/happen; ~ for
syn: uncovering, find, discovery
6. Blemish (n)
| Spoil the appearance or quality of sth
| ~minor/slight; have~; without(a) ~
syn: impair, disfigure, flaw; imperfection, fault, defect
7. Consistency (n)
| The quality of always being the same or always being good.
| show /achieve/ensure/maintain/lack~; ~in/of/with;
ant: inconsistency
consistent (adj. ), consistently (adv. )
8. Deliver (v)
| Provide (something promised or expected)
| ~good quality, intransitive
syn: provide, supply, furnish
9. Defect (n)
| A shortcoming, imperfection, or lack
| zero~
syn: fault, imperfection, flaw, blemish, inadequacy defective (adj)
10. Dependable
| Trustworthy and reliable
| depend (v), dependability(n), dependably(adv)
syn. reliable, trustworthy, unswerving, unwavering, unfailing,
11. Durable
| Lasting for a long time
| ~ goods
durability(n. ), durable (adj. ), durably (adv. )
12. Ensure (v)
| Make certain that sth will occur or be the case
| ~against
syn: secure, guarantee, warrant, certify, confirm, corroborate, establish
13. Expectation(n)
| A belief that sth will happen or be the case
| come up/exceed/ manage ~; low/high~
syn. anticipation, expectancy, eagerness, hope, hopefulness;
expectant(adj), expectantly (adv), expect(v)
14. Consumer(n)
| A person who purchases goods and services for personal use
| ~satisfaction/ demand/ culture
syn: purchaser, buyer, customer, shopper,
user, end-user, client
15. Conform to (v)
| Comply with rules, standards, or laws
| ~ rules/laws/requirements/regulations;
syn: abide by, obey, observe, follow, keep to, hold to, adhere to)
Nonconformity(n) Cf “blemish, ” “defect” and “imperfection. ”
16. Guarantee (n)
| A formal assurance (typically in writing) that certain conditions will be fulfilled, especially that a product will be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality
| ~for sth
syn: warranty, warrant, contract, covenant, bond, assurance, promise
17. Inspection(n)
| Careful examination or scrutiny
| syn: examination, check, check-up, survey, scrutiny
inspect, test
18. Imperfection (n)
| A fault, blemish or a flaw
| syn: flaws, , faults, faultiness, defect
19. Faulty (adj. )
| Not working or made correctly; having defects
| syn: imperfect, defective, lawed, malfunctioning, damaged
faultilyadv), faultiness(n), fault(n)
at fault, find fault with,
20. Flaw(n)
| A mistake, mark or weakness that makes smth. imperfect;
| a slight/fundamental/fatal ~
syn: defect, fault, loss; ant: merit, perfection.
21. Aftersales (n)
| The service Offered or provided by a retailer or manufacturer after the sale of an item
| ~service/maintenance
22. Increment(n)
| An increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scale
| syn: increase, addition, gain, augmentation, step up, enlargement, enhancement, boost, advance
Incremental improvement - Improvement implemented on a continual basis.
23. Kaizen
| A Japanese approach that means gradual unending improvement by doing little things better and setting and achieving increasingly higher standards.
| Process kaizen: Improvements made at an individual process or in a specific area. Sometimes called “point kaizen. ”
24. Lean
| Producing the maximum sellable products or services at the lowest operational cost while optimizing inventory levels
| Lean enterprise- A manufacturing company organized to eliminate all unproductive effort and unnecessary investment, both on the shop floor and in office functions. Lean manufacturing/production- An initiative focused on eliminating all waste in manufacturing processes characterized by optimum automation, just-in-time supplier delivery disciplines, quick changeover times, high levels of quality and continuous improvement.
25. maintenance
| The process of keeping something in good condition
| After-sale care and ~; ~ work/services/department
Syn. aftercare,
Cf repair
26. Quality(n)
| The characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs; 2
| ensure ~, ~ assurance/ control product/newspapers/press/assurance/control/time;
fine/good/high/ low/poor ~.
Continuous quality improvement
Total quality control
27. Quantity(n)
| A certain, usually specified, amount or number of something
| syn: amount, number, total, aggregate
quantatitive (adj), quantify (v)
28. Recall(v)
| (Of a manufacturer) request all the purchasers of (a certain product) to return it, as the result of the discovery of a fault:
| product, total ~
syn: summon back, order back, call back, bring back
29. Replace(v)
| Provide a substitute for (something that is broken, old, or inoperative):
| syn: substitute, exchange, change; give in place of, give as a replacement for, give in return/exchange for, swap for
replacer(n), replacement(n)
30. Review (v)
| Assess (something) formally with the intention of instituting change if necessary:
| syn: analyse, audit, examine, scrutinize, assess, appraise
peer ~
31. Require(v)
| Need for a particular purpose:
| urgently/reasonably~
requirer (n), requirement (n)
32. Reengineering(n)
| Restructuring an entire organization and its processes.
| syn: redesign
BPE-Business process reingineering
33. Spare part(n)
| A duplicate part to replace a lost or damaged part of a machine.
35. Standard (n)
| A level of quality, ability or achievement by which someone or smth. is judged;
| high/low ~; to meet/reach/attain~; above/below~; to raise/lower ~
syn: baseline, benchmark, criterion
36. Surveillance
| The continual monitoring of a process; a type of periodic assessment or audit conducted to determine whether a process continues to perform to a predetermined standard.
| be under ~; keep/place/put sb/sth under ~;
syn: observation, scrutiny, watch, view, inspection, monitoring, supervision, superintendence;
37. Specimen (n)
| An example of something regarded as typical of its class or group:
| collect/ take/obtain~
syn: sample, example, instance, representative
38. Warranty (n) –
| a written promise that a company makes to replace or fix a product if it breaks or does not work properly
| provide/give/come with~; ~ cover sth/expire/runout; under~; ~ against/on; breach of ~
syn: guarantee, security, insurance, authority