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Target Vocabulary. ETHICS

Target Vocabulary


(Compiled by T. R. Bekbulatov)


Item Definition (synonyms/antonyms) Derivatives/collocations

1. whistle-blower (n) a person who informs on someone engaged in an illicit activity whistle-~wing. Syn: informer

2. insider trading (n) the illegal buying or selling of a company's shares by someone who has secret or private (sensitive) information about the company engage in/be accused of ~; Syn: insider stock trading, insider dealing

3. absenteeism (n) state of not being present   political ~ Syn: skipping Ant: attendance, presence Cf truancy

4. corruption (n) dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery   to fight ~; to crack down on~; to curb~; to root / to stamp out~; to turn a blind eye to~; to weed out~; business~; corporate~. corrupted (adj); corruptionist (n); corruptor (n); corruptness (n)  Cf embezzlement, bribery, extortion Ant: honesty, cleanliness, decency, purity

5. whitewash (n) a deliberate attempt to conceal unpleasant or incriminating facts about a person or organization in order to protect their reputation whitewasher (n); whitewashes (v); whitewashing (n); whitewashed (v). Syn. cover-up window dressing    
6. a bribe (n) a gift of money or other inducement to dishonestly persuade (someone) to act in one's favour by Give/extort a ~; briber (n); bribery (n). Syn: graft, greasing

7. ethics (n) moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the conduct of an activity Code/rules/standards of ~; professional ~; un/ethical (adj) Syn: morals Ant: immorality

8. nepotism (n) the practice among those with power or influence of favouring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs nepotist (n); nepotistic (adj). Syn: preference, favoritism, discrimination, cronyism Ant: fairness

9. money-laundering (n)  the process of making illegally-gained proceeds (i. e. " dirty money" ) appear legal (i. e. " clean" ). ~expert; money launderer (n)

10. fraud (n) wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain commit / perpetrate/ expose a~; voting/electoral~; wire~. fraudster (n); fraudulent (adj) Syn: cheat, swindle, deception

11. lawsuit (n) a claim or dispute brought to a law court for adjudication    bring / file / institute a ~ against / over smb. / smth.; lose/ settle/ win a~; Syn: suit, accusation, claim, litigation, trial

12. disrupt (v) interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem   ~ a conference; to ~ life in the town; to ~ production; disruptive (adj); disruption (n); disrupter (n); disruptor (n); disrupting (adj); disrupted (adj) Syn: disturb, shatter, rattle

13. code (n) a list of ethical rules for a particular industry or profession ~for internet service providers; ~of good practice/conduct/ethics; a dress ~.

14. justice (n) fairness in the way ​ people are ​ dealt with do ~ to sb/sth; (un)just (adj) Syn: fair, impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced Ant: partial, biased, prejudiced

15. slush fund (n) a sum of money collected to pay for an illegal activity, especially in politics or business Syn: yellow dog fund

16. industrial espionage (n) spying directed towards discovering the secrets of a rival manufacturer or other industrial company engage in/disclose ~; Syn: economic espionage, corporate espionage

17. sue (v) institute legal proceedings against (a person or institution), typically for redress to ~ for libel/breach of contract; ~smb for smth; ~smb for damages; ~ for divorce; ~ smb for libel. suable (adj); suer (n) Syn: accuse, charge

18. tax evasion (n) the illegal non-payment or underpayment of tax Syn: tax avoidance

19. disclosure (n) 1) the action of making new or secret information known 2) a fact, especially a secret, that is made known to make a~; sensational/startling ~s; a financial ~. Syn: revelation, divulge Ant: concealment, denial, secret. Cf. leak transparency

20. Peer pressure (n) influence from one’s equals peer pressure/review

21. sweetener (n) 1) something that you give or offer someone in order to persuade them to accept an offer or business deal 2) an inducement, typically in the form of money or a concession Syn: kicker

22. abuse (n) unjust or corrupt practice ~of power; abuser (n); abusing (adj); abused (adj) Syn: misconduct

23. civil servant (n) a governmental official civil service (n) Syn: state employee, civilian, functionary, bureaucrat, jobholder, public servant

24. shadow economy (n) the black economy, illegal economy to root out the ~; to give rise to a ~  Cf. gray area

25. conflict (n) a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one ~of interests; come into ~ with smb. / smth.; provoke/resolve/settle a~ Syn: dispute, collision, controversy

26. maladministration (n) inefficient or dishonest administration; mismanagement ~of property; ~in the government Syn: mismanagement    

27. comply (n) act in accordance with a wish or command complies (v); complying (v); complied (v) ~ with; to ~ with rules/regulations; to ~ with smb's wishes Syn: fulfil, accomplish

28. coercion (n) the action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats ~ of law; custodial~; legal~; apparatus of~; bodies of~; extra-economic~; organs of~; political~; strict ~ of outrage; through military~; under~ Syn: compulsion, pressure

29. moral (n) relating to the ​ standards of good or ​ bad ​ behaviour , ​ fairness, ​ honesty, etc. that each ​ person ​ believes in, ​ rather than to ​ laws to draw the moral~; person of loose ~s; to corrupt smb. 's ~; to protect / safeguard (public) ~s Syn: ethical, honest Ant: dishonest, immoral

30. morale (n) the ​ amount of ​ confidence ​ felt by a ​ person or ​ group of ​ people, ​ especially when in a ​ dangerous or ​ difficult ​ situation to boost / lift / raise~; to destroy / undermine ~; high~; low~; national~ Syn: confidence, self-esteem spirit Ant: fear, weakness

31. morals (n) principles of right or wrong behaviour that aregenerally accepted by a society lax / loose ~; strict ~; public ~; person of loose~; to protect / safeguard (public) ~ Syn: ethics  

32. integrity (n) the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles to display / show~; great~ Syn: honesty Ant: deceit, dishonesty

33. misconduct (n) unacceptable or improper behaviour, especially by an employee or professional person gross~; professional~; ~ in office; criminal ~; government~; judicial~; juvenile ~; noncriminal~; official~; parental~; police~ Syn: malfeasance, unethical behavior

34. corporate a corporation's initiatives to assess and take responsibility for the company's effects on environmental and social wellbeing.   ~ culture/social responsibility/citizenship

35. fabrication (n) the action or process of manufacturing or inventing something in order to deceive sb absurd ~s; barefaced~; hackneyed~; sheer ~; slanderous~s; total~; unsubstantiated ~; batch~; just-in-time~; one-pass~; fabricate (v): ~ (a/n) evidence/story/explanation Syn: falsification, rigging, forgery

36. law (n) the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties the rule of~; do sth under/in accordance with ~; according to the~; to go beyond the ~; to keep within the~; to lay down/ administer / adopt/ abide by/ apply / enforce /break /violate/annul / repeal / revoke/adopt / enact / pass/obey /observe a ~; law-abiding (adj); Syn: canon, code, commandment, constitution, ordinance, regulation, statute

37. misappropriation the action of misappropriating something; embezzlement ~of funds; ~of property Syn: embezzlement

38. malfeasance wrongdoing, especially (US) by a public official Be aware of ~; official/public/corporate ~; malfeasant (adj): a ~ executive/officer/company



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