The Book of the Most Holy CHAPTER FOURTEENThe Book of the Most Holy CHAPTER FOURTEEN Division 441-460
THE MOST HOLY 441. O Most Mighty Ocean! Sprinkle upon the nations that with which Thou hast been charged by Him Who is the Sovereign of Eternity, and adorn the temples of all the dwellers of the earth with the vesture of His laws through which all hearts will rejoice and all eyes be brightened.
442. Should anyone acquire 100 mithqá ls of gold, 19 mithqá ls thereof are God's and to be rendered unto Him, the Fashioner of earth and heaven. 443. Take heed, O people, lest ye deprive yourselves of so great a bounty. 444. This We have commanded you, though We are well able to dispense with you and with all who are in the heavens and on earth; in it there are benefits and wisdoms beyond the ken of anyone but God, the Omniscient, the All-Informed. 445. Say: By this means He hath desired to purify what ye possess and to enable you to draw nigh unto such stations as none can comprehend save those whom God hath willed. 446. He, in truth, is the Beneficent, the Gracious, the Bountiful.
447. O people! Deal not faithlessly with the Right of God, nor, without His leave, make free with its disposal. 448. Thus hath His commandment been established in the holy Tablets, and in this exalted Book. 449. He who dealeth faithlessly with God shall in justice meet with faithlessness himself; 450. he, however, who acteth in accordance with God's bidding shall receive a blessing from the heaven of the bounty of his Lord, the Gracious, the Bestower, the Generous, the Ancient of Days. 451. He, verily, hath willed for you that which is yet beyond your knowledge, but which shall be known to you when, after this fleeting life, your souls soar heavenwards and the trappings of your earthly joys are folded up. 452. Thus admonisheth you He in Whose possession is the Guarded Tablet.
453. Various petitions have come before Our throne from the believers, concerning laws from God, the Lord of the seen and the unseen, the Lord of all worlds. 454. We have, in consequence, revealed this Holy Tablet and arrayed it with the mantle of His Law that haply the people may keep the commandments of their Lord. 455. Similar requests had been made of Us over several previous years yet We had, in Our wisdom, withheld Our Pen until, in recent days, letters arrived from a number of the friends,
and We have therefore responded, through the power of truth, with that which shall quicken the hearts of men.
456. Say: O leaders of religion! Weigh not the Book of God with such standards and sciences as are current amongst you, for the Book itself is the unerring Balance established amongst men. 457. In this most perfect Balance whatsoever the peoples and kindreds of the earth possess must be weighed, while the measure of its weight should be tested according to its own standard, did ye know it.
458. The eye of My loving-kindness weepeth sore over you, inasmuch as ye have failed to recognize the One upon Whom ye have been calling in the daytime and in the night season, at even and at morn. 459. Advance, O people, with snow-white faces and radiant hearts, unto the blest and crimson Spot, wherein the Sadratu'l-Muntahá is calling: 460. " Verily, there is none other God beside Me, the Omnipotent Protector, the Self-Subsisting! "