Match the phrasal verbs with the definition
The Adventures of Lara Cruft Episode Four: Phrasal verbs with turn and come
The next morning Bill turned up in a new jeep. I bought this to become a taxi driver but all the companies turned me down, so we can use it now, he said. So they finally set off at dawn. Finally they got to the valley, and there was the diamond shaped cave entrance. I n front of it was a big dark object, Lara looked through her binoculars. It turned out to be a large group of men with guns, and giving them orders was... William. Mrs Bluebottle wanted to turn back immediately. “It’s dangerous, ” She cried! Lara suddenly came up with an idea. I came across this grenade in the jeep. Be careful shouted Bill. Don’t worry. Lara threw the grenade and when it blew up, all the men ran for cover. Lara, Bill, and Mrs Bluebottle ran as fast as they could into the cave. Lying at the entrance, was William, unconscious, so Bill grabbed him and the set off into the depths of the cave. Finally William came round. He explained that he had come across the map in the library. He had just come into a lot of money when his Aunt had died, so he had decided to look for the city himself.
Match the phrasal verbs with the definition
1. Turn up 2. Turn someone down 3. Turn out to be 4. Turn back 5. Come up with an idea 6. Come into money 7. Come round 8. Come across 9. Blow up 10. Set off
a. Arrive after a lot of time or unexpectedly b. Think of an idea c. Find by accident d. Reject someone or an idea e. Suddenly have a lot of money (present, inheritance) f. Destroy with a bomb g. Leave on a journey h. To be, finally, in the end. (And not what you expected) i. Not continue on a journey, decide to go back j. Regain consciousness (after fainting or being knocked out
Read through the story with a partner and see if you can remember which verbs go in each gap. The next morning Bill ______ up in a new jeep. I bought this to become a taxi driver but all the companies ______ me down, so we can use it now, he said. So they finally ___ off at dawn. Finally they got to the valley, and there was the diamond shaped cave entrance. I n front of it was a big dark object, Lara looked through her binoculars. It turned ___ to be a large group of men with guns, and giving them orders was... William. Mrs Bluebottle wanted to turn ___ immediately. “It’s dangerous, ” She cried! Lara suddenly came ___ ___ an idea. I came ____ this grenade in the jeep. Be careful shouted Bill. Don’t worry. Lara threw the grenade and when it ___ up, all the men ran for cover. Lara, Bill, and Mrs Bluebottle ran as fast as they could into the cave. Lying at the entrance, was William, unconscious, so Bill grabbed him and the set off into the depths of the cave. Finally William came ____. He explained that he had come across the map in the library. He had just come ____ a lot of money when his Aunt had died, so he had decided to look for the city himself.
Ask your partner these questions. Use the phrasal verbs in your answers.
1. When did you last watch a film you thought would be good but it turned out to be terrible? 2. If you won the chance to travel round the world, would you turn it down? 3. What would you do if you suddenly came into a lot of money? 4. Have you ever come across some money in your pockets you didn´ t know you had? 5. Do you think you will ever come up with a brilliant idea that will make you rich? If not, why not?