Summary 1-44. Hi! How are you doing?. Practice homework for the 12-th of AprilSummary 1-44 Hi! How are you doing? I’m very hungry. Will you cook something for me? Yes? Good! We need a cooker!
Mмм… very delicious! Thank you! What about dessert / dɪ ˈ zɜ ː t/ десерт?
New words and phrases: It tastes fantastic! Фантастический вкус! That looks delicious! Выглядит аппетитно! That's so tasty! Это так вкусно! It’s absolutely delicious! Это очень вкусно!
dressing заправка, sauce /sɔ ː s/ соус
Practice homework for the 12-th of April 1) Words + 5 new FOOD words we haven’t learnt but you think you need them 2) Think of one of your favourite dishes and write a list of the ingredients. 3) Answer these questions in writing: What do you like eating best? What do you like eating least? What can you cook? What can you cook best? How many times do you usually eat a day? What do you think the best Russian dish is (блюдо)? Who cooks for you? Do you like cooking? Do you eat liver? Enjoy your meal! (приятного аппетита) Слова, которые мы выучили в этом левле посмотрите в следующем документе. 1-44 http: //lingualeo. com/ru/glossary/19859