C H A P T E R 8 6 страница'I th-th-thought you w-w-were duh-duh-dying, or s-s-something, ' Bill said. Richie sat up slowly in the street and put a hand to his head. He groaned. 'What hap — ' And then he remembered. His eyes widened in sudden shock and terror and he scrambled around on his knees, gasping harshly. 'Duh-duh-don't, ' Bill said. 'I-It's g-g-gone, R-R-Richie. It's gone. ' Richie saw the empty street where nothing moved and suddenly burst into tears. Bill looked at him for a moment and then put his arms around Richie and hugged him. Richie clutched at Bill's neck and hugged him back. He wanted to say something clever, something about how Bill should have tried the Bullseye on the Werewolf, but nothing would come out. Nothing except sobs. 'D-Don't, R-Richie, ' Bill said, 'duh-duh-duh-h-h — ' Then he burst into tears himself and they only hugged each other on their knees in the street beside Bill's spilled bike, and their tears made clean streaks down their cheeks, which were sooted with coaldust.