Personal Details. Education and Qualifications. Work Experience. Professional Skills ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Personal Details Kyrychenko Oleksandr 29000 Khmelnitsky, Ukraine email: kyrychenko96@mail. ru 16 years old Ukrainian
Education and Qualifications Master, University of Oxford (equivalent to British ‘A’, specialising in computer systems and programming) Programming (One years vocational training in Web design, software architect)
Work Experience Worked for five years in IT-company Crytek Kiev (programmer C + +). Crytek has developed a computer game “Far Cry”. Timely and properly fulfilled all orders. Participated in the development of computer games “Crysis”. Conducted testing of finished programs.
Professional Skills Software architect, web design, project manager, automation systems.
Computer Skills: MS Office, specialist programmer software. Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Latin, some Chinese.
Interests: running, swimming, volleyball, basketball.
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