Тема № 6 «Природа и окружающая среда»/Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Тема № 6 «Природа и окружающая среда»/ “It’s Your Planet! ” Уроки № 3 - № 4 (24 - 25) Тема урока «Защита окружающей среды в Великобритании и мире» «Сохраним планету для потомков» (защита проектов) Warming up Make up general, special and disjunctive questions to the following sentences:
A. Britain stresses the need for studying the science of climate change. B. Environmental protection is an international issue of great importance, and Great Britain pays much attention to it. C. The Government is committed to the control of gases emission, which damage the ozone layer. D. Most petrol stations in Britain stock unleaded petrol. E. Green belts are areas where land should be left open and free from urban sprawl. F. They also contribute to the greenhouse effect, which leads to global warming and a rise in sea levels. G. The Government supports the work of the voluntary sector in preserving the national heritage. H. The Government attaches great importance to their protection. I. As we see, Great Britain takes care of its environment for themselves and next generations. Reading Task 1 Do exercise 4 on pages 163 - 164: read the article and match the headings with the paragraphs Task 2 Read the texts below and decide what the writer’s purpose is in eaсh case. Choose the best verb for each: