Actions of rescuers. Similar disasters. ConclusionActions of rescuers On a place of crash of the liner there were search and rescue works. To elimination of consequences of failure, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations across the Yaroslavl region, 103 persons and 44 units of equipment, including from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia – 64 persons and 17 units of equipment are involved. Psychologists of Head department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia across the Yaroslavl region worked, also TSEPP Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia directed additional 2 groups of psychologists of Moscow. Similar disasters Clash of the Dneprodzerzhinsk - plane crash August 11, 1979, in which the clash of twoTu-134. On board one of the planes were popular players of the Uzbek football club" Pakhtakor" because of what tragedy has special resonance. February 6th, 1958 at the Belgrade airport, British football, " Manchester United" boarded the plane to fly to his hometown. Of the 44 people on board, immediately killing 28, among them was one of the most talented players, " MU" - 19-year-old Duncan Edwards. Some were more fortunate - theywere alive, but never been able to play more football. Matt Busby and Bobby Charltonbriefly got to the hospital. Conclusion Immediate cause of accident of the plane were erroneous actions of crew. A plane crash near Yaroslavl — not only blow on professional hockey, but also the next terrible certificate of problems with safety on air transport in Russia. In 2011 there were eight plane crashes to a deadly outcome and the majority of them because of the person. Actions of rescuers: On a place of crash of the liner there were search and rescue works. To elimination of consequences of failure, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations across the Yaroslavl region, 103 persons and 44 units of equipment, including from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia – 64 persons and 17 units of equipment are involved. Psychologists of Head department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia across the Yaroslavl region worked, also TSEPP Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia directed additional 2 groups of psychologists of Moscow.