106. Priority of Strategy of 2050 is ___ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 106. Priority of Strategy of 2050 is ___ A. Metal industry B. Sugar industry C. Entrepreneurship D. Heavy industry E. Free induftry 107. An element of ‘nation’ a. Common territory b. Common home c. Common union d. Common mechanism e. Common environmen 108. In a parliamentary republic, _____________ plays the most essential role a. Conceptual power b. Legislative power c. Judicial power d. Executive power e. Financial power 109. Who is the author of saying “Pure heart makes pure shot”? a. Temirlan b. Mao c. Al-Farabi d. Confucius e. Balasaghuni 110. There is no order in international relations argues________ a. Confucionism b. Realism c. Al-Farabism d. Khanism e. Liberalism 111. Court is _______ power. a. Legislative b. Financial c. Judicial d. Executive e. Conceptual 112. Institutionalism is a key concept of a. realism b. khanism c. al-farabism d. confucionism e. liberalism 113. The_______ assumes that identity changes.
A. Liberalism B. Relativism C. Realism D. Constructivism E. Statism 114. Element of economy interaction and integration according to prof. Belassa a. Cultural integration b. Economy integration c. Active integration d. Social integration e. Political integration 115. Conservatism is ____. a. Disposed to preserve existing conditions b. disposed to preserve culture c. disposed to preserve autonomy d. disposed to preserve new conditions e. disposed to preserve liberated conditions 116. Priority of Strategy of 2050 is ___. a. Foreign policy is driven by cars b. Foreign policy is driven by ecology c. Foreign policy is driven by democracy d. Foreign policy is driven by economy e. Foreign policy is driven by demography 117. Democratic values include 118. A country strives to incerease its military… Realism