Methodology of Research. ARW 2, Section 20.. Name: Temirlan Alimzhanov ID: 20120378. Formatting ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Methodology of Research Due: September 12, 2013
ARW 2, Section 20. Name: Temirlan Alimzhanov ID: 20120378 Title: “Different cultures of drinking alcohol in different countries”
The problem/issue:
Research question: Method of research: In order to collect information for the research there are were used two types of data collection such as: Interview and questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed among citizens of Kazakhstan, namely Almaty city from age of 18 and above. However majority of the questioned people were students from different universities. Basically, the survey contains questions that are shows general attitude towards alcohol beverages and alcohol consuming among citizens of Almaty. Through this survey (Open-ended questions, Open questions) – Why? (right down)
Moreover, in order to collect more detailed information about situation related to alcohol consuming in the Almaty city I connected with doctor and expert in narcology Gulmira Muratova. The interview contatinse 5 structured questions which are shows how difficult the issue of alcohol consuming in the city of Almaty.
State the population and sample to be studied, type of research survey, combination), data collection techniques that I want to use are: interviews, questionnaires. Objective(s):
Resources: Attach a Bibliography – from 8 to 10 resources.
Formatting Follow these formatting guidelines: You should give first information about the author (name, ID, course and section). Title should contain a title of your research. Line spacing: 2. 0 No blank lines between paragraphs Paragraph indentation: 5-7 spaces 12-point font Max word count: 100 words + 1 page of Bibliography Left-justified No hyphenation at end of lines Margins: 2. 54 cm Courier and Times New Roman are acceptable typefaces