Kindergartens of Lugansk People Republic through\by the eyes of the Finnish journalistHei, nimeni on Veyko. Olen toimittaja YLE TV1(: yksi) ssä. Tervetuloa ohjelmaan " Koulutus ulkomailla" ( Хей, нимени он Вейко. Оллен тоймиттао юле тэ вэ юкс асса . Терветулуа охьельман «Коулутус улкомайла») R2< Good morning and welcome to YLE TV1 of Finland, to our daily program “ Education abroad”. And today we shall digest the kindergartens of Lugansk People Republic. But first of all let us ask people in the street about the kindergartens they or their children attended. (comes to people with children) R< Excuse me, did you attend kindergarten when you were little? P> Yes, sure. Why? R> Can you compare the kindergarten of your childhood with nowadays one. P> You know, I think the kindergartens we have today are much more better equipped than they were some years ago. It’s a common thing to see a TV set or a computer in each group. Moreover, teachers use up-to-date methods of teaching when working with little children. R. Yes, and now I have an opportunity to give a word to the kindergarten teacher. She will tell us about the types of the kindergartens available in Lugansk People Republic. T. First of all I want to say that pre-school educational institutions of Lugansk People Republic include the following organizations: nursery - for children between the ages of two and three years, where they are taken care of, as well as much attention is paid to their development and upbringing; kindergarten - for children between the ages of three and six, where they are provided with care, development, education and training; Combined nursery and-kindergarten pre-school establishments - for children from two to six years of age. Pre-school educational institutions for children with special needs. Sanatorium type pre-school educational institutions and kindergartens of combined type. R> Can you tell us what kinds of activities children do in the kindergartens. What are the aims of pre-school education? T< Oh, you know, kids in the kindergartens are involved in various activities. I want to emphasize that the curriculum is aimed at the harmonious development of kids. Children are taught to work with plasticine, paper and different natural materials to develop their motor skills and promote their creativity. R1-Thank you, and now let's move to the nearest kindergarten, which is right in front of us. R2-Good afternoon, my name is Veyko, and this is my partner Matias. Could you please make a short tour of the kindergarten for our program? T1. Sure. Welcome to our kindergarten. We are going to show you our talented children. T2 Little children are fond of reciting poems. Listen to our children.
Boy -- Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, Where have you been? Cat – I’ve been to London To look at the Queen. Girl – Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, What did you there? Cat —I frightened a mouse Under her chair. T1< In kindergartens children are taught to dance ( Children dance) T2< Songs and music help develop children’s creative skills (Children sing a song) R< Oh, I see that children in the kindergartens are very talented. It will be very interesting for people in Finland to see them performing on the stage. T1< Yes, we love our Republic. And we even have composed poems about our city. Poem We love Lugansk… This city Is full of memories and meetings With our close, faithful friends, With Luganka’s darling bends. It’s home for us, it’s our castle. And everything supports us here, We love… For it we all will wrestle. Lugansk will never disappear!
Poem Lugansk is the city for peace, love and fun. The city where I live, my family and Mum. Love Lugansk with all your heart. It’s your native city, your essential part…