STAY BLESS. ELVIS' RING. BROMPTON ORATORY. BARRY WHITE - 'CAN'T ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 STAY BLESS " George Cassavetes is my keyboard player. He's making really wonderful music and he's a good man. It's sort of dreamy pop music. It's very emotionally brazen, which is something I admire in musicians. I think he's a very talented boy and I love him dearly. "
My favourite possession ELVIS' RING " It's a diamond ring, that belonged to Elvis and it was given to me by someone I'd never met before. He said he liked my songs and he wanted me to have it. I was a bit sceptical but, when I saw it, I got completely Gollum about it. It wasn't until later on that I realised I'd accepted a quite valuable gift from a stranger. I tried to give it back but he was quite adamant that I kept it. I swear to God it has magical properties. When I wear it I do feel more powerful. "
My favourite place BROMPTON ORATORY " You can listen to the organist practise most afternoons. I like to sit there, it's just a pleasure to sit and listen to the place vibrate. I started going as a child. My mother cooked for the monks - she was sort of like the pantry boy there fora while. I would go with her and run around. I'm a big fan of cereal and I have these memories of their cereal collection and me being really jealous of it. It's enough to turn you to God, almost. ''
My favourite album sleeve BARRY WHITE - 'CAN'T GET ENOUGH' " It's got four pictures of him on the front sleeve of the record, which I think is totally hilarious. They're all paintings of him and they're in these bubbles. It's kind of so completely shit that it's actually amazing. On the back, it says 'Cover art concept - Barry White'. His concept was just like, 'I want pictures of myself looking really sexy and I'm gonna have them in bubbles'. It's just so good. ''
(Clockwise from main): Gabriel Bruce; Elvis, probably lamenting his missing ring; the Barry White sleeve so adored by Gabriel; Joanna Newsom; Madonna's " The Immaculate Collection'; Josh T Pearson in Lift To Experience, 2001