Exercise 1.. Exercise 2.. Exercise 3. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Exercise 1. 1. It's a set of agreed rules by which nation may govern itself. 2. Constitution is unwritten, meaning that it is not written in a single official handbook. 3. In a Republic the head of the State is elected; he is known as the President and holds office for a limited number of years only. 4. The Sovereign once had very great personal powers but in practice these are now exercised by the Queen’s advisers, the Ministers. 5. The Queen, the Lords and the Commons has the real powers in Parliament 6. Parliament means much more than just the House of Commons, it means the Queen, the Lords and the Commons all acting together. Exercise 2. 1. Agree. 2. Disagree. 3. Disagree. 4. Agree. 5. Disagree. 6. Agree. 7. Disagree. 8. Agree. Exercise 3. 1. official. 2. constitutional. 3. republic. 4. monarchy. 5. limited. 6. house of commons. 7. the Parliament.