ex. 2 Измените выделенные предложения или части предложений по образцу. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 ex. 2 Измените выделенные предложения или части предложений по образцу. Example: This is not my pen. I want my pen. -> I want mine. 1. This is my girlfriend and that's his girlfriend. 2. Their street is not as busy as our street. 3. These are my children and those are her children. 4. My flat is smaller than their flat. 5. It's not your umbrella. It's my umbrella. 6. My telephone doesn't work. Can I use your telephone? ex. 3 Заполните пропуски местоимениями. 1. How many times a day do you brush.... teeth? 2. We want him to stay with........ in summer. 3. Mr. Smart is rich.......... car is very expensive. 4. Are........... ready? - No,.............. am not. 5. Put down.......... telephone number and I'll put down........ 6. 1 met.......... parents yesterday and now he wants to meet..... 7. Have........... read this book? Is........... interesting? 8. Do............ recognize the man? - Yes, I recognize............ But he doesn't seem to recognize....... 9. He put on.......... coat and left. 10. They asked me to help....... fix.............. car.
ex. 4 Переведите.
1. Она дала мне свой зонт. 2. Он открыл глаза и посмотрел на нас.