November 15, 2020
President of the Orenburg regional _______________________
POSITION for open tournament on karate version Fudokan_Shotokan Orenburg Open " ON-LINE"
November 15, 2020 Orenburg, Russia 1. Introduction 1. 1. The tournament is held in accordance with the schedule of the Orenburg Regional Federation in karate-do Fudokan 2. Goals and objectives 2. 1. Improving the sports skills of participants 2. 2. Development and popularization of karate 2. 3. Keeping athletes physically active in a pandemic 2. 4. Development and strengthening of sports ties between clubs and federations 3. Dates and venue November 15, 2020 Orenburg, Russia 4. Tournament leadership 4. 1. Chairman of the Organizing Committee - Safiullin Artem, Orenburg, Russia 8-90-33-62-64-33 4. 2. Chief secretary of the competition - Natalia Sobtsova, Orenburg, Russia 4. 3. Assistant Secretary - Veronika Seksembaeva, St. Petersburg, Russia 4. 4. Competition Director - Shmarin Alexander, Orenburg, Russia 4. 5. The chief judge of the competition is Sobtsov Alexander, Orenburg. Tel. 8-9226-250-250. 5. Rules for shooting athletes 5. 1 ATTENTION!!! RECORD 3 kata with a mark in the name 1 circle, 2 circle, 3 circle 5. 2 Recording only in kimono, barefoot or in sneakers, indoors or outdoors! 5. 3 Sound and video must be clear. The recorder stands facing the athlete, at a distance sufficient to perform the kata! Video recording at an angle of no more than 45 degrees is allowed. The athlete must be fully visible during the entire recording! 5. 4 Video file correction is FORBIDDEN! The video camera during recording must be HORIZONTAL or at an angle of 45 degrees, except for team views! 5. 5!!! The video recording must begin with the announcement of the last name, first name, circle number and the name of the kata. For example: Petrov Ivan, 1st circle, kata Heyan-Shodan. You do not need to write down any additional information before starting the kata! CALLS THE SPORTSMAN! 5. 6 an athlete can participate in the older category: he must provide 3 different videos in each category!!! 5. 7 The video should be shot ONLY horizontally, weighing no more than 100 MB in MP4 format. 6. Tournament classification 6. 1 MAIN Tournament Individual kata competitions are held in 3 circles, in all three circles point judging system. Round 1 - Kata from the Shitei group, 16 participants remain. Round 2 - Kata from Sentei and Shitei group, 8 participants remain. Round 3 (final) - Kata from the Tokui group any kata In the event that there are less than 4 participants in the age category, by the decision of the head judge. Categories can be combined! 7. Requirements for competitors and conditions for their admission 7. 1. Athletes practicing various styles of karate are allowed to compete in the karate version of Fudokan-Shotokan: shotokan, shito-ryu, wado-ryu, goju-ryu, shorin-ryu, fudokan, regardless of differences in style and organizational affiliation, as well as other invited athletes various style organizations and federations. 7. 2. Each participating organization can take part in the judging of the competition 7. 3. You must attach a scan or photo to the application: • birth certificates or passports; • Photo of an athlete for a pedestal; • athlete's budo passport or qualification book; • receipt of payment.
7. Competition program All information about the preparation and conduct of the competition will be in the official group in VK: https: //vk. com/shotokan_samurai 8. Terms of summing up Competitions are held according to the rules of the Fudokan and Shotokan World Karate Federation. In individual kata competitions, one thing is determined - the first, one - second and one - third place. 10. Applications for participation The application can be submitted by the athlete himself or the athlete's parent by November 10, 2020. ATTENTION!!! RECORD 3 kata with a mark in the name 1 circle, 2 circle, 3 circle. Recording only in a kimono, barefoot or in sneakers, indoors or outdoors! Sound and picture must be clear. The recorder stands facing the athlete, at a distance sufficient to perform the kata! Video recording at an angle of no more than 45 degrees is allowed. The athlete must be fully visible during the entire recording! Video file correction is FORBIDDEN! During recording, the camcorder must be HORIZONTALLY!!! The video recording must begin with the announcement of the surname, name, number circle and the name of the kata. For example: Petrov Ivan, 2nd circle, kata Bassai Dai. https: //vk. com/shotokan_samurai to the " Discussions" section in your age category BEFORE November 10, 2020 BEFORE 23. 59 h.
11. Credentials committee and an orientation referee seminar. Held November 10, 2020 An athlete can be removed from a category (more than 4 athletes) only with the loss of the entry fee. 12. Rewarding Winners and prize-winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas and medals!!! Sending by mail or " boxberry" at the expense of the recipient! All athletes receive an electronic certificate of participation in the competition. 13. Terms of financing 13. 1. All expenses for the competition are covered by the Organizing Committee from the charitable contributions of the participants of the competition, as well as charitable contributions from various organizations and enterprises. This Regulation is official by invitation to the tournament! Submission of the application means that the coach with the position I have read and agree!!! The coach serves: - application - documents for athletes - full-length photo of the athlete for the pedestal - a receipt for payment of Art. contribution to the email address: asobtsov@mail. ru
- video 3 circles for each type of program at the address in VK: https: //vk. com/shotokan_samurai in the " discussion" section in your age category The video must be signed: Surname, name of the athlete, age, circle, federation or club name, name of the coach. - to send the postal address and telephone number of the coach after the tournament and summing up the results by e-mail. IF YOU DOUBT or YOU HAVE QUESTIONS CALL: +7-922-625-02-50!!! Always ready to answer!!! Appendix No. 1 Charitable entry fees 1. Charitable entry fee for each type of individual performance - 600 rubles only for Russia and 10$ other country.
Category BOYS:
Category GIRLS: