


Случайная статья

2. Задание 2 № 16. 3. Задание 3 № 132. 4. Задание 4 № 47. 5. Задание 5 № 84. I am your mother

2. Задание 2 № 16

Про­чи­тай­те текст вслух. У вас есть пол­то­ры ми­ну­ты на под­го­тов­ку и пол­то­ры ми­ну­ты, чтобы про­чи­тать текст вслух.


A recent study shows that some male cockatoos create their own musical tools for drumming. The drumming and rhythm seem to be an extra component made to impress the ladies. Each bird has its own distinct style. Other animals (e. g. frogs and birds) use drumming and music to communicate as well, but cockatoos can drum at a steady rhythm, with a totally unique style, for up to half an hour — which takes quite a bit of practice.

Moreover, plenty of animals use tools, but far fewer make those tools themselves.

Among humans, a regular beat is associated with group-based activity, especially dancing. As for the cockatoos, drumming with a regular beat is a done solo.

3. Задание 3 № 132

Выберите фотографию и опишите ее. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7–8 предложений).


План ответа поможет вам:

— the place

— the action

— the appearance of the person

— whether you like the picture or not

— why

Start with: “I’d like to describe picture №... . The picture shows …”

4. Задание 4 № 47

Уста­но­ви­те со­от­вет­ствие между тек­ста­ми и их те­ма­ми, вы­брав тему из вы­па­да­ю­ще­го спис­ка. Ис­поль­зуй­те каж­дую тему толь­ко один раз. В за­да­нии одна тема лиш­няя.


This text deals with …

1. Out-of-town shopping.

2. Bargain hunters.

3. The best shopping street.

4. A convenient way of paying.

5. Internet shopping.

6. The key to success.


A. Mary has already started doing her Christmas shopping on-line. She usually spends about £ 300 on presents and pays for them on her debit card. She is buying food from supermarket shopping services and has ordered books and CDs from on-line bookshops. Buying on-line saves her a lot of money, and it’s a lot nicer staying at home than having to go out in the High Street.

B. A recent survey has shown that the busiest shopping street in the world is in Warsaw. It’s called Nowy Swiat, which means New World. An incredible 15, 000 Poles walk down this main street every hour. It is a lovely place to shop. It is now possible to buy almost everything in Warsaw. There are a lot of shops from the West, but the interesting thing is that Polish manufacturers are now producing high quality goods.

C. Many small street and comer shops are closing because people prefer to drive to shopping complex outside town. There they can park their cars without any problems and do all their shopping in one place. In a British shopping complex, you usually find a supermarket, a branch of most of the chain-stores, some smaller shops, and a few cafes. Most of the new shopping complexes are built near big roads.

D. Mail-order shopping has become very popular because it saves time. Shoppers use credit cards to pay for something over the telephone after they have seen it advertised in a mail-order catalogue, on TV, or in a newspaper or magazine. A number of mail-order companies accept phone orders twenty-four hours a day and most have toll-free numbers.

E. Many Americans like sales. They shop at stores that sell goods at a discount. An item on sale can cost as little as hall the normal price. Sales are advertized in newspapers, on radio on TV, or by mail. Stores compete with each other by reducing their prices and staying open in the evening. Many arc open seven days a week and sometimes until 10. 00 at night.


За­пи­ши­те в таб­ли­цу вы­бран­ные цифры под со­от­вет­ству­ю­щи­ми бук­ва­ми.



5. Задание 5 № 84

Про­чи­тай­те текст и вставь­те вме­сто каж­до­го про­пус­ка нуж­ную грам­ма­ти­че­скую форму, вы­брав её из вы­па­да­ю­ще­го спис­ка.


I am your mother

Joyce is 24 years old. She has a baby daughter, but she can ’t take A____ of her baby. The government takes Joyce’s baby and gives her to B____ family. Joyce never forgets her daughter. For 20 years Joyce looks C____ her. She can ’t find her. She doesn’t know her daughter’s new name. She doesn’t know her daughter’s D____. When Joyce is 44 years old, she gets a E____ at a small store.

A young woman works with Joyce at the store. The young woman’s name is Tammy. Tammy and Joyce are friends. One day at work Tammy begins to cry. “What’s the matter? ” Joyce asks Tammy. “I’m looking for my birthmother and I can’t find her. I have only this photo. See? This is me when I was a baby. ” Tammy shows Joyce the photo. Joyce looks at the photo for a long time. “Tammy, ” Joyce says. “I think I'm your birth mother. ”



A 1) love 2) care 3) kindness 4) attention

B 1) other 2) another 3) others 4) through

C 1) for 2) forward 3) after 4) his

D 1) school 2) country 3) address 4) character

E 1) place 2) work 3) department 4) job


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