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Practical task№1. Factors. Definition. An example of the impact on. Explain the difference between harmful and dangerous factors


Name and SurnameRavshanovUmurzoqjon

Group IEB-21-1


Practical task№1



Task №1.

Fill in the table №1 below

Table 1



An example of the impact on

Explain the difference between harmful and dangerous factors

People Environment
Harmful factors Contribute causes of illness or reduced performance under certain conditions. Dust and air pollution, noise. Contaminated water, defore-staion.

There is a noticeable difference between

these two factors. Firstly dangerous

factors are sometimes made by people while harmful factors are

more widen, they usually made by nature. Secondly

it is more difficult to fix the harumful factors than dangerous factors.      

Dangerous factors Contribute to traumatic injuries (violationof body tissues and disruption of its functions) or other sudden breakdown of health. Poisons, Acute radiation. Fire, hot and super cooled surface.
Natural factors Coming with food, water, air, are important for human life. These include protein, vitamins, amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals and others. Storms, Tornadoes Volcanic eruptions, Geyser actions.  


Task №2.

According to their genesis hazards are divided into:

ü Technogenic - These are hazards that arise during the operation of technical facilities. They are caused by the activities of the people operating these facilities. As a rule, technological hazards result from:

o Any faults in technical systems;

o Defects existing in technical systems;

o Inappropriate operation of technical systems;

o Waste generated during the operation of technical systems.

ü Anthropogenic -In order to improve their comfort and material well-being, human beings constantly impact their environment with the products of their activities (technical means, emissions from various industries, construction of engineering structures, etc. ).

ü EnvironmentalThe hazards are caused by biotic (living organisms) and abiotic (climatic, geological, etc. ), causes and other natural phenomena(floods, earthquakes, etc. )

ü Social - The spread of social hazards is due to the behavioural patterns of people in certain social groups. Social hazards are very numerous and affect a large number of people. They include, for example, all illegal forms of violence, the use of substances that disturb the mental and physiological balance of a person (alcohol, drugs), smoking, suicides, fraud, quackery, which can damage people's health.


According to the nature of the impact factors are:

ü Physical

ü Chemical

ü Biological

ü Psychosocial


Distribute all of the above factors in the columns of the table №2. Remember that some factors can be distributed in several columns at the same time.


List of factors: alcohol, abnormal air temperatures (heat, frost), high humidity, air mobility (drafts), barometric pressure (low, high), plant pests (locusts, Colorado beetle), lighting, air ionisation, vacuum, explosion, vibration, wastewater, rotating machine parts, height, herbicides, hypodynamia, hot surfaces, smoke, moving objects, corrosives, drought, earthquakes, infectious diseases, infrasound, infrared radiation, pathogenic microorganisms, rocking, kinetic energy, laser radiation, magnetic fields, monotony, flooding, personal misconduct, flammable substances, fire, weapons, landslides, rockslides, poisoning, steam, pesticides, fire, psychological incompatibility, dust, radiation, slippery surfaces, snowfall, social inequality, static electricity, typhoon, fog, shockwave, ultrasound, ultraviolet radiation, snake bite, hurricane, fatigue, noise, electromagnetic field, poisonous plants and animals, explosion.

Table 2

Technogenic Anthropogenic Environmental Social
Physical Air mobility (drafts), moving objects, infrasound , infrared radiation, weapons, steam, dust, radiation, slippery surfaces, static electricity, shockwave, ultrasound, ultrasound radiation, noise, electromagnetic field   Abnornal air Tempratures(heat, frost), explosion, vibiration, hot surfaces, drought, earthquakes, infrasound, rocking, fire, landslides, rockslide, dust, slippery surfaces, snowfall, typhoon, fog, snake bite, hurricane, fatigue Wastewater,
Chemical Herbicides, corrosives, pathogenic microorganisms, flammable substances, dust, ultrasound, ultraviolet radiation, electromagnetic field, Air ionisation, vacuum, rotating machine parts, Steam,  
Biological Barometric pressure, infectious diseases, poisoning, steam, pesticides, snake bite, poisonous plants and animals.   High humidity, plant pets, lighting Infectious diseases,    
Psychosocial Psychological incompatibility, social inequality,     Alcohol, hypodynamia, smoke, personal misconduct, psychological incompatibility, social inequality


Task №3.

Choose three examples of hazards from the list of factors (task 2).

Write down specific examples where these factors have led to health or life-threatening situations.

1. Snake bite is really dangerous factor. As an example in Africa hundreds of people die due to snake bite in every year.


2. Earthquakes are also really breakneck for human beings. For example, According to JMA(the Meteorological Agency of Japan), approximately 2000 earthquakes strike in Japan every year.

3. Smoking is one of the most harmful habit for human’s life. To be more precise, Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis.



Task №4.

Depending on the area of exposure, all hazards are divided into

ü Local

ü Regional

ü Global


Example of hazards: Waste water discharge, greenhouse gases, pesticide use, bakery odour, oil spill from a train accident, fire, volcanic eruption, earthquake, avalanche, chemical plant explosion, nuclear power plant explosion, acid rain, and industrial emissions.

Distribute the following hazards into their respective columns in Table 4

Table 4



Local Region Global
Bakery odour, chemical plant explosion, Waste water discharge, pesticide use, spill from a train accident, nuclear power plant explosion. Fire, eruption, earthquake, green- house gases, avalanche, acid rain, industrial emissions.




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