Neighbours. Live from London: Neighbours. Do you know your neighbours? What are they like?. Would you like to be closer to your neighbours?Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Neighbours Live from London: Neighbours Welcome to Live from London. Today we’re in King’s Cross talking to people about their neighbours. Do you know your neighbours? What are they like? Jemma: Yes, I’ve, well, there’s a couple who live next door who are South African and I know his name, but it’s kind of got past the point where I should have asked what, or remembered what her name was. And then I have a guy who lives downstairs from me who’s a bit of a nosey neighbour who seems to know everything, and again, I should know his name and he talks to me a lot, but I don’t. And I get caught with him quite a lot. We have long discussions about everything in the building which I’m not that interested in. Paul: No, I don’t really know my neighbours. I just know them to see them when I go past them and they’re coming and going, so I have no idea really what they’re like. Rachel: I know most of them, yeah. And they’re, they’re normally just like elderly couples and a few young people and students. Yeah. Edwin: Yeah, I live above, like a Danish couple and they seem nice, but generally speaking, in London you don’t get to know your neighbours that well, which is a bit of a shame. I know more in like, countryside and stuff you have more of a relationship with your neighbours – leave keys with them, and all that kind of stuff. And yeah, that seems nice, so I’d like to have that in the future. Would you like to be closer to your neighbours? Rachel: No, not really. I think I’m close enough! Jemma: I would probably like to be closer to the couple next door, and there’s another couple that live opposite that would probably be quite good to be a bit more friendly with. They’re quite sociable next door. Probably not so much the guy downstairs as he wastes my time. Edwin: So yeah, yeah, it would be nice to be close to the neighbours but for some reason in London, people are moving house every other week – it doesn’t really happen as much, which is a shame. Paul: Overall, probably not, but we should all make more effort to get on with and to get to know our neighbours I suppose, but maybe depending on where you live.