Job & Career ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Speaking practice ОГЭ-2020 Заказывайте пособие «Диалоги и монологи»! https: //vk. com/ege2020english или e - mail: song. pesnya@list. ru Job & Career Electronic assistant: What kind of jobs do young people prefer? Student: I thinkthe young generation likes to do the jobs which involve creativity and where they can work independently. They also look for jobs that are well paid and require less physical effort. Most of the graduates are employed in IT industry. I think they like to work as programmers or IT administrators. Electronic assistant: What skills and abilities do people most want to learn today? Why? Student: I suppose many young people are interested in technology skills because they seem to be almost essential in most careers nowadays. Electronic assistant: What do you need to do to be successful in the profession of your choice? Student: Based on knowledge, skills, industry (трудолюбие) and interests, I want to do something I am good at. These abilities are keys for my successful career. I'm very interested in professional growth (рост). Electronic assistant: What makes a person choose a job apart from the pay it offers? Student: I think many factors help a person choose a job. The first is money, and the second is job satisfaction. Then there are chances of promotion. Good relations with the employers and bonuses. Electronic assistant: Who is best at advising young people about choosing a job: teachers or parents? Student: While teachers would have a better knowledge of student’s academic performance, parents will know their kids’ personalities the most. In terms of job market, I suppose they have equal amount of knowledge. Therefore, it is the best for the young to consult with whoever they feel more comfortable with. Electronic assistant: How do young people today decide their career? Student: The present generation has a lot of options when it comes to deciding their career. Nowadays the youth have lot of role models from different fields and they make their own decisions. Some of them also like to explore different jobs and do a lot of research looking at future prospects of different jobs. Electronic assistant: Should the students have part-time jobs? Student: In my opinion, have part-time job is a good way for students to improve their practical skills, to balance their work and studies and to become more organized and responsible. Electronic assistant: What kind of part-time job would you like to have in the near future? Student: Frankly speaking, I would like to work as a courier in summer because this work is connected with outdoor lifestyle which is quite nice in summer. Also, this job is well-paid and companies readily (легко, охотно) hire students for a part time job. Electronic assistant: Which do young people generally prefer – boring jobs with higher pay or interesting jobs with lower pay? Student: Nowadays the young are intelligent, and they understand if they are not doing something they like, they will never be happy. So, they choose the jobs they are passionate about and money takes the backseat. Electronic assistant: Which do you prefer physical work or work involving thinking? Student: I prefer intellectual work over work that requires a lot of physical effort. I feel work that stimulates your mind is more satisfying as compared to physical work which is monotonous. Electronic assistant: Do you think today we have less physical labour than we did in the past? Student: I think today we have to do less physical work as compared to the past. Thanks to the advancements in technology, our lives are more comfortable convenient nowadays. The work that required strenuous effort in the past can now be done with the click of a button. Electronic assistant: Which is more necessary for a job - experience or education? Student: I think both are necessary. To apply for a job, a good educational background is required nowadays. On the other hand, an experienced professional can get a better job compared to a candidate without any professional experience. In fact, for a fresh graduate, strong academic knowledge is required. Over time, she/he gathers practical experiences and expertise. I am sure a majority of the companies look for a good combination of both education and experience. Electronic assistant: What are the most common types of jobs in your hometown? Student: Working in government offices, telecommunication companies, software and graphics development companies, and manufacturing factories are the most common full-time job types in my hometown. Apart from that, we have many farmers, manual labours, bankers, doctors and teachers in our hometown. Finally, some part-time jobs in restaurants, grocery shops and marketing companies are also available in my hometown.
Electronic assistant: Which occupation should be given a better pay? Student: In my opinion, teachers, doctors, nurses, people in the civil services, people in the defense, those working in fire brigades, should all be given better pay.